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DAN DAN's first ever live game.


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Well went to the Cincinnati Club in Glasgow tonight with Ed, 2nd visit for him. Meant to be a £10 freezeout but it actually had one rebuy. 5000 starting chips. I did okay, didn't post or fold out of turn, pretty much managed to post the right blinds at the right time etc, all the things that had worried me. Played very tight for most of the time, allowing me to take pots in position quite easily. Everyone was really nice although there was a bit of aggro between a couple of guys on my table, was quite funny :lol One was drunk and the other was all everything must be done right and had the clock on the drunk one. I liked that table as they kept me right, next table was a wee bit nerdier but still all very nice. I steadily built my chip stack until after 3 hrs I had about 12,000. I'm sitting with Q9 on the button and call, flop 779, I raise, one other left, turn 9, I make a small raise again, thinking I must keep the guy in the pot and not scare him off, he puts me all-in so i figure he's got 7's full of 9's. He turns over 77. I just never saw it coming :wall When I get over that I'll say I had a great night but not yet.:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry PS I never re-bought.

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Re: DAN DAN's first ever live game.

LIVE POKER IS FIXED I TELL YA;) :loon glad you still enjoyed your 1st live game and lasted longer than ed once again:dude :dude :dude
:loon C'mon teaulc, kick a man when he's down why don't yi ;) :rollin Well done last night DD, never seen it coming and also thought you were about to take the rather large pot with yer full house, still all good experience and yi seemed to enjoy it, well done.:clap :ok My night only lasted half an hour, dealt KJ, flop AKJ, bet big, all fold except the big blind who goes all in :loon Now, I put him on an ace or biggish pair, or maybe he thinks I'm stealing his blind so he pushes all in, anyway I called and he flips Q10 and the rest is history, I did see the possible dangers but I just didn't put him on such a big hand, never mind, all good fun and part of the learning experience.:ok :cheers
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Re: DAN DAN's first ever live game. Well done :ok You will now become a live poker addict ! :loon And no, most people wouldnt have seen the quads either.... Thats a good value tourney too - the "saturday shootout" at the Grosvenor here in Bristol, is a £20 freezeout, but the starting stack has been reduced recently from 3,000 to just 2,000 chips....I was thinking of giving this one a miss even before yesterday's happenings.... With just 2,000 chips, and starting blinds of 100 and 200, and then rising every 15 minutes, you really have to get involved from the start and play loose or risk just being blinded out...

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Re: DAN DAN's first ever live game.

Thats a good value tourney too - the "saturday shootout" at the Grosvenor here in Bristol, is a £20 freezeout, but the starting stack has been reduced recently from 3,000 to just 2,000 chips....I was thinking of giving this one a miss even before yesterday's happenings.... With just 2,000 chips, and starting blinds of 100 and 200, and then rising every 15 minutes, you really have to get involved from the start and play loose or risk just being blinded out...
Yes ours was quite good value, the blinds started at 50/50 and went up every 20mins i think. Too busy concentrating on everything else to be sure of the time scale. There was one rebuy within first 90mins.
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