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Omaha H/L Hand


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Haven't looked at this hand yet - but would be interested in critically analysing it later ........ I was quartered - could/should I have got out earlier? Was I too aggressive?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #454276229 at table: Table OH 54 Started: Sun Nov 05 00:25:59 2006 chachyskuy is at seat 1 with 77.35 Rambutan is at seat 2 with 39.47 JadedJ is at seat 3 with 11.50 Telepe is at seat 4 with 49.58 sapori is at seat 5 with 13.70 garth is at seat 6 with 175.78 noganouna is at seat 7 with 27.87 el musol is at seat 8 with 16.25 jikori is at seat 9 with 24.76 drucik33 is at seat 10 with 84.24 noganouna posts the large blind 0.50 garth posts the small blind 0.25 garth: --, --, --, -- noganouna: --, --, --, -- el musol: --, --, --, -- jikori: --, --, --, -- drucik33: --, --, --, -- chachyskuy: --, --, --, -- Rambutan: --, --, --, -- JadedJ: --, --, --, -- Telepe: Ah, 5d, 4d, 2d sapori: --, --, --, -- Pre-flop: el musol: Fold jikori: Fold drucik33: Fold chachyskuy: Fold Rambutan: Fold JadedJ: Raise 1.50 Telepe: Raise 5.25 sapori: Fold garth: Fold noganouna: Call 5.25 JadedJ: Call 5.25 Flop (Board: 6h, 4h, 10h): noganouna: Check JadedJ: All in Telepe: Call 6.25 noganouna: Fold Turn (Board: 6h, 4h, 10h, As): River (Board: 6h, 4h, 10h, As, 5c): Showdown: Telepe shows: Ah, 5d, 4d, 2d (two pair, Aces and Fives) Telepe shows: Ah, 5d, 4d, 2d (6,5,4,2,A for low.) JadedJ shows: 9h, 2h, Ac, Kh (flush to the King) JadedJ shows: 9h, 2h, Ac, Kh (6,5,4,2,A for low.) Mainpot: JadedJ wins the pot of 13.55 with flush to the King Mainpot: Splitpot of 6.77 6,5,4,2,A for low. (1.40 rake were taken for this hand)
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Re: Omaha H/L Hand Out of interest Jaded ;) an A and a 2 by itself - you're happy to "go to war" with just that? Spose the K isn't a bad card, but the 9 is not much help..... Spose what my question really is - would you ever fold an A2 pre flop? Or is it playable regardless of the other 2 cards?

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Re: Omaha H/L Hand Pre-flop, I like A2 with most other cards... the suited A is a BIG help, as shown here :) A2K9 with a suited A is borderline for me, because as you say the 9 is very little help and the K is just okay. It's one I'd either raise or fold with, depending on various factors, unless there were a bunch of callers when I might limp. I raised here because I'd only played one hand since getting to the table, and decided that I'd give it a go and see what happened on the flop. Once you'd reraised and the other guy had called, I was left with 3.75 to throw in to see the flop, with 12 dollars in the pot. A bit over 3-1 is good enough for me at this point, so I take it. I'm not over keen on your reraise, to be honest... although admittedly, it would have been harder for me to call if the guy after you had folded. I think I'd have gone for more to try and take the pot down there, or less to try and see a flop and work out how helpful it is. A256 is certainly a good hand, but with the A NOT being suited it loses some power - the key thing for me is that you can't get a flush, and you're only chasing low straights, making it a little too likely that you could split the pot rather than scooping. Flop is pretty much a dream one for me - unless either of you guys has Ah with another heart, at least. I was split on how to play it, but decided this was one where I had to be brave and get my chips in the middle. By the flop, you're pretty much committed, as shown by your post-flop play actually being profitable despite only quartering the pot. Will be very interested to hear other people's thoughts on the hand!

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Re: Omaha H/L Hand Post-flop seems fine. As Jaded says, it's right to call his all-in even if you know you're going to be quartered. I'm no expert, but pre-flop I wouldn't have reraised. With a low hand like this, it's not uncommon to split the low pot, so I'd like more people in the pot (if four people stay in until the end and I get quartered, then I break even).

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Re: Omaha H/L Hand i do fold A2 fairly regularly if i have poor high outs as quartering the pot will be losing you money unless its a mad multiway pot . in this situation i would probably have got out on the flop but as the pot was raised so high pre flop it is a tricky one :unsure jaded is all in for about a third of the pot ,he is bound to have a2 or he wouldnt have called pre flop but i would have to call. on the flop you have no high at all so the best your getting is a quarter at that point, but you may not even get that :eek .say jaded has a23x or a25x with 2 hearts or a straight draw , any ace or 2 hits you have no low and no high, luckily it wasn't that bad. the main problem was the raise pre flop, i would only be doing that with a really big multi out hand like aa23 double suited that gives you a lot of outs high and at least 1 backup card low . with the hand you had i would have flat called pre flop and had a easy laydown on the flop:ok

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Re: Omaha H/L Hand Cheers guys :ok Just a few questions (to try and get this straight in my head): Who's hand is better pre flop? (I'm thinking mine, but is Jaded's Suited K significant enough to counteract my hand? He has a 3 flush too, which adds to the weakness?) Do we agree with Jaded's pre flop raise? (ignoring the fact it's Jaded?) :tongue2

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Re: Omaha H/L Hand Personally I'd say that yours was miles ahead pre-flop, with better low prospects and the straight chance. Unfortunately though, you have virtually no chance of making money from a flush (barring a miracle 3d 7d 8d board for the straight flush), as if you DO hit one, you have to be worried that someone else has a higher one. Drawing to the non-nut flush in Omaha is rarely a good idea, despite how it played out for me here. As for the pre-flop raise, I think the more interesting question (bearing in mind it's a fairly standard raise with an unopened pot in mid position) is whether I was right to call the reraise...

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Re: Omaha H/L Hand i think you were right to call because of the pot odds but gaf did have the slightly better pre flop hand:ok as one of jadeds was a pretty much a dead card. jadeds raise was ok( low and high outs)and because of that it was unlikely he will leave the pot especially as the other guy called as well. although gaf was a big favourite if it was a really low flop he needed a 3 or diamonds somewhere on the board to have a very good scooping hand. but about a third of the time there wont be a low at all ,then your really up the creek as that gets rid of most of your high draws as well as your low (all possible straight draws are gone)so thats a third of the time your not going to win anything with that hand for a start:eek thats why i wouldnt reraise with it . a better ploy would have been to flat call ,at least then you have a good reason to get out on the flop if there is no help and he bets big. even tho gafs low looks good on the flop he has very few outs on a decent high and even less if jaded has hit the flush(which he did)all that can help is runner runner full house then:eek again that only leaves you with a probable 50% of the pot at best, which is always a bad thing. putting a lot of money in at that point is very dodgy . as i said in this situation you did have to call ,trouble is i reckon jaded knew that and just hoped you didnt have the a2 of hearts;)

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