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Massive MASSIVE MASSIVE value in 45 mins


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Don't miss out people!!!!!! The Ashes tourney on PokerRoom offers a $10,000 Aussie package to the winner of todays tournament - THERE ARE JUST FOUR ENTRIES SO FAR In addition, so far as I can work out, this package is ADDED - so the buy ins will be paid out to 2nd place (and below if more entrants). Small sticking point is that the buy in is $100 + $8 but even so THIS TOURNAMENT WILL PROVIDE HUGE VALUE TO ALL PL'rs!!!!! Am locking this thread as it is a duplication just to get a bit of attention - please post in the main thread....http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37101 And yes I'm one of the 4 - managed to get in :nana :cow :nana :cow

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