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Mansion Spurs v Chelsea Min $1000 added


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5th November $10 though it is a rebuy till the first break.But from what I've played on Mansion not usually many entrants but quite a few rebuys but with the extra's added it's worth a blast. Quote from the lobby: We have added an extra $1000 to the prize pool,and we will add a extra $500 for every goal that Tottenham Hotspur score against Chelsea on Sunday the 5th of November.This will be split between the top 3 finishing positions with 1st place getting 50% of the added Extra,2nd 30%,3rd 20%. Host bounties-if you knock out either of the 2 host's(host Spurs,host Chelsea),we will give you $250. Worth a shot I think and pray Tottenham and Chelsea have a high scoring game 8-0 Spurs would be nice:lol

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Re: Mansion Spurs v Chelsea Min $1000 added UNBELIEVABLE, i bubbled 19th aaaaargh:@ :wall :wall kk i min raise, button calls with 63d flop 10 6 and 4 i think i min bet he reraises i put him all in for 3/4 his stack he calls and hits 3 on river i feel sick :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

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Re: Mansion Spurs v Chelsea Min $1000 added Finished 9th for $70-89 - I was in bottom 10% nearly all night, but took my opportunities when I had chance, then I think I had a rush of blood on last hand when stealing blinds with KQs I got called by AA. Nevermind - first rebuy I've played, and managed to only take 1 rebuy - and no add-on - little bigger stakes than I'm comfortable at - but I have a fair bankroll at Mansion, and the value was excellent.

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Re: Mansion Spurs v Chelsea Min $1000 added

It is - how did I miss that?? :unsure
Don't know how you missed that it's right at the top of the thread.:lol Mind you you missed that and I missed the entire game:lol ,concentrating to much on the Champions League.
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