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Tonight at Stanleys in Stoke they are running £10 rebuy satellites to the £100 Bonfire Night spectacular which is this coming Sunday. Now although I mention its a rebuy (for accuracy) I can't imagine that the play will be anywhere near as manic as the normal Friday night all-in fest as there should be less importance in chip building. I enjoy the occasional live game, but having gone on Saturday and had a good night I'm torn between the desire to win a cheap way of winning into this big tourney, and the thought that says that the chances are even if I do qualify I probably won't cash in anyway, so I may as well keep my cash in my pocket.... (I know I'm tight btw). Pocket Lady will enjoy another night out, but be quite happy to stay in too. :eyes So what do we do? :unsure

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Re: Dilema

Go out and play poker. I've only recently started playing live poker, but love it. I'm now 2nd on the leaderboard at my local pub after 4 visits. We do a 30 player MTT on Monday nights, never been out of the money yet, 4th, 3rd, 4th and 2nd last night.
Nice one mate :ok :notworthy When we went on Saturday i went out in 12th and Andy made the FT and the Money in 6th.
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Re: Dilema I am now. Well I played my usual game, and as I thought despite it being a rebuy it was quite a tight game. As such I managed to get my QQ cracked by KJsuited (rebuy no.1 - £20 total) then shortly after a shorter stack went all in. I had AK suited and re-raised to thin the field, only to be callled by the next player, who had AA. I made a mistake of over-raising and leaving myself pot committed but I was relatively hopeful on a Q, J, x flop (rebuy no.2 - £30 in total and my last). I sat very tight until the rebuy ended and the 'last 3' included my SB and BB. On my BB I folded 63os to a bet on a flop of x, 8, 6 to see another 6 on the river, and next hand on the SB I folded 83os to see it would have taken that pot. So I had 2 blinds and position. :lol I tripled up with a mid position all in with AQos to give me some breathing space and was short stacked all night but rebuys had driven the prize fund to £1,050 paying 10 seats and £50. As I said I was freerolling now (as I thought my tourney was realistically over with 12 left, but I re-raised an UTG riase when holding KJspades thinking (or hoping) I was up against an underpair or weak A. He turned over AQos and that was it. Until a K hit the flop and saved my :moon. Now it was game on for me and for the first time I had managed to go from the shortie to one of several. The very next hand I pushed all in with KJos, and hoped that no-one would dare to call someone prepared to risk their tourney having just saved it. A guy with slightly more chips than I agonised for ages, my heart jumped out of my mouth, and he folded. So on the bubble and the player to act in 2nd position on my BB had a similar stack to me and he limped... You know that is either a weak play or a feigned weak play (personally I prefer the latter). Now I have developed a style that involves not looking at my cards until I am to act, and so when I looked down and saw A10 suited (d) I was horrified as this hand causes nothing but grief. So I decided to portray strength and before my eyes had left my cards I said "All-in". The look on the villain told me he was weak, and when he reluctantly called he turned over A7. This effectively doubled me up to safety AND knocked out the bubble. He went about 10 hands later. So the 11 players agreed to chip in the other £50 and buy the 11th seat, so we all went home happy..... Until I discovered its Sunday PM and I'm going to miss the NFL. :sad :sad :sad :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow Thanks guys for pushing me out, and thanks to Sam for letting me go. :ok

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Re: Dilema

:clapWell played Mr V.:clap The NFL is repeated (without the numerous ad breaks) on Monday evening and, as Uber says, you won't hear the scores anywhere to spoil the game. I was in Blackpool at the weekend and noticed a Stanleys Casino there - might have to pay them a visit soon.
I was talking to an experienced live player last night after I stole his seat (physically) by mistake - his name is Andy Higginson...:$ :$ :$ Anyway I mentioned the Midland Masters (and our Tartan Army) and he said that the Blackpool Festival is running soon. It might be worth your while checking to see if they're running sat's to them DP. :ok
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Re: Dilema Excellent Andy, top result :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Only just found the thread, poker stuff too spread out now and I guess a lot of interesting threads could easily be missed, I don't like it, if it aint broken why fix it springs to mind. :sad Nice 1 Mr V. :ok :nana :nana

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