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tikay Tourney time tonight!


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I am not sure of the rules in here - if I've overstepped the mark, please Delete, & accept my apologies. Tonight, at 8pm, it's the "tikay Tournament" on Sporting Odds.com. $10 + $1 to enter, we usually have around 100 runners, & with Sporting Odds adding $1,000 to the Prize Pool, that's SERIOUS value! There is alao a $100 Bounty on me, & for the last 6 or 7 months, that has gone to a Purple Lounge Member every month! Hope to see some of you guys tonight, & again, apologies if this Post oversteps the mark. Some Fora are very strict about these things.........

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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight!

I think you`ve overstepped the mark by calling us the "Purple Lounge", Tony:spank :rollin ;) I`ll be there tonight to donate my $10:wall
I am quite sure I said "Punters Lounge" not "Purple Lounge". Just because I am having a mid-life crisis does not mean I don't know what I said. PS - Call it a misread.
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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight! cheers tony must be my turn this month to collect the bounty :) See you at the final table Damo

I am quite sure I said "Punters Lounge" not "Purple Lounge". Just because I am having a mid-life crisis does not mean I don't know what I said. PS - Call it a misread.
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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight! its monthly Damo

Ill give it a whirl if im nay too tired. Is is on every week same time same place? I played in it a couple of times looong time ago but stopped cos the software always crashed and stuff' date=' whats it like these days?[/quote']
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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight!

I am quite sure I said "Punters Lounge" not "Purple Lounge". Just because I am having a mid-life crisis does not mean I don't know what I said. PS - Call it a misread.
Its ok Tony, theres lots of older members here on the "Purple Lounge". that are noticing the first signs of Altzheimers as well. Now remind me does a run beat a flush? :rollin
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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight!

Its ok Tony' date=' theres lots of older members here on the "Purple Lounge". that are noticing the first signs of Altzheimers as well. Now remind me does a run beat a flush? :rollin[/quote'] Excuse me. Alzheimers? I've barely finished adolescence.
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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight! Cheers Tikay :ok No danger of anyone forgetting - we have it listed in our Poker diary (http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37232) - further, it's our "focus game" tonight, which means anyone wanting PL ranking points will be playing tonight :ok (http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30728) Keep your eyes peeled for the initials BPP (Best Poker Player) after someones PL alias - currently staffy - it means they're on a hot streak :ok

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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight!

i have had a lot less problems lately :ok only thing that happens is a occasional long pause between hands. and its a monthly not weekly game but always on a monday
why oh why did i jinx myself :eyes spend just about all game disconnected ,mind you i dont think it was sporting odds fault but my pc's:@
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Re: tikay Tourney time tonight! What a great comp that was, & well done to all the Punters Lounge Crew. The Mole did me good & proper when I decided to get stubborn with AQ against his mid-pair - sadly, some other bugger ALSO got stubborn - also with AQ! Such is life, & no complaints from me, 25th was about all I deserved. We had 127 runners I think, so everyone was happy. You are a great bunch, I look forward to playing with you more often.

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