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AA - What do you do


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What do you do in this situation??? Full Tilt Poker Game #1160038772: Table Madre Mesa - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:58:36 ET - 2006/10/28 Seat 1: -Toothpik- ($49) Seat 2: KeynesCA ($38.05), is sitting out Seat 3: obi-wang ($15.90) Seat 4: cloud71 ($9.40) Seat 5: jeff48 ($31.80) Seat 6: frosttine ($21.50) Seat 8: Ezalbman ($24.25) Seat 9: jrcarter25 ($40.05) Ezalbman posts the small blind of $0.10 jrcarter25 posts the big blind of $0.25 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to cloud71 [Ad Ah] -Toothpik- folds obi-wang folds cloud71 raises to $0.75 jeff48 calls $0.75 frosttine folds Ezalbman calls $0.65 jrcarter25 folds *** FLOP *** [3c 9d Js] betraisefold sits down Ezalbman checks cloud71 bets $2 jeff48 calls $2 Ezalbman calls $2 *** TURN *** [3c 9d Js] [Jc] Ezalbman checks

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Re: AA - What do you do Id have to check and fold to any decent bet here unfortunately. Against TWO opponents with NO flush draw on the flop one of them is going to have the top pair so often here. Against 1 opponent you could bet again but its just too likely one of them has a J here as they both call after you made a good flop bet. A note - do not be afraid to raise it up to 5bb preflop with big pairs preflop. People love to call and it wont decrease your action so do that.

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Re: AA - What do you do After the flop I presumed I was still ahead. The turn might or might not have changed things - and you're right, there was a good chance another player had a Jack. So as a new cash player I need some advice here. If I check - will that tell me what the other players have got?? Wouldn't I get bet against anyway - if I check. If I put in a continuation bet, wouldn't that give me more information?? Here is what actually happened. And as you can see I did put in a continuation bet - which got raised, and then re-raised. Full Tilt Poker Game #1160038772: Table Madre Mesa - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:58:36 ET - 2006/10/28 Seat 1: -Toothpik- ($49) Seat 2: KeynesCA ($38.05), is sitting out Seat 3: obi-wang ($15.90) Seat 4: cloud71 ($9.40) Seat 5: jeff48 ($31.80) Seat 6: frosttine ($21.50) Seat 8: Ezalbman ($24.25) Seat 9: jrcarter25 ($40.05) Ezalbman posts the small blind of $0.10 jrcarter25 posts the big blind of $0.25 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to cloud71 [Ad Ah] -Toothpik- folds obi-wang folds cloud71 raises to $0.75 jeff48 calls $0.75 frosttine folds Ezalbman calls $0.65 jrcarter25 folds *** FLOP *** [3c 9d Js] betraisefold sits down Ezalbman checks betraisefold adds $7 cloud71 bets $2 jeff48 calls $2 Ezalbman calls $2 *** TURN *** [3c 9d Js] [Jc] Ezalbman checks cloud71 bets $3.25 jeff48 raises to $6.50 Ezalbman has 15 seconds left to act Ezalbman raises to $12.50 cloud71 folds jeff48 has 15 seconds left to act jeff48 calls $6 *** RIVER *** [3c 9d Js Jc] [3h] Ezalbman bets $9, and is all in jeff48 calls $9 *** SHOW DOWN *** Ezalbman shows [9h 9c] (a full house, Nines full of Jacks) jeff48 shows [Jh Qd] (a full house, Jacks full of Threes) jeff48 wins the pot ($52.05) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes Ezalbman is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $54.75 | Rake $2.70 Board: [3c 9d Js Jc 3h] Seat 1: -Toothpik- didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: KeynesCA is sitting out Seat 3: obi-wang didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: cloud71 folded on the Turn Seat 5: jeff48 showed [Jh Qd] and won ($52.05) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes Seat 6: frosttine (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: Ezalbman (small blind) showed [9h 9c] and lost with a full house, Nines full of Jacks Seat 9: jrcarter25 (big blind) folded before the Flop

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Re: AA - What do you do well played - that is what I would have done Make another bet and then see - I wouldn't worry too much about the board and if you check someone bets and takes the pot away from you - or you call and still have no idea if they are bluffing just happens (as I have found out today :eyes ) Damo

After the flop I presumed I was still ahead. The turn might or might not have changed things - and you're right, there was a good chance another player had a Jack. So as a new cash player I need some advice here. If I check - will that tell me what the other players have got?? Wouldn't I get bet against anyway - if I check. If I put in a continuation bet, wouldn't that give me more information?? Here is what actually happened. And as you can see I did put in a continuation bet - which got raised, and then re-raised. Full Tilt Poker Game #1160038772: Table Madre Mesa - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:58:36 ET - 2006/10/28 Seat 1: -Toothpik- ($49) Seat 2: KeynesCA ($38.05), is sitting out Seat 3: obi-wang ($15.90) Seat 4: cloud71 ($9.40) Seat 5: jeff48 ($31.80) Seat 6: frosttine ($21.50) Seat 8: Ezalbman ($24.25) Seat 9: jrcarter25 ($40.05) Ezalbman posts the small blind of $0.10 jrcarter25 posts the big blind of $0.25 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to cloud71 [Ad Ah] -Toothpik- folds obi-wang folds cloud71 raises to $0.75 jeff48 calls $0.75 frosttine folds Ezalbman calls $0.65 jrcarter25 folds *** FLOP *** [3c 9d Js] betraisefold sits down Ezalbman checks betraisefold adds $7 cloud71 bets $2 jeff48 calls $2 Ezalbman calls $2 *** TURN *** [3c 9d Js] [Jc] Ezalbman checks cloud71 bets $3.25 jeff48 raises to $6.50 Ezalbman has 15 seconds left to act Ezalbman raises to $12.50 cloud71 folds jeff48 has 15 seconds left to act jeff48 calls $6 *** RIVER *** [3c 9d Js Jc] [3h] Ezalbman bets $9, and is all in jeff48 calls $9 *** SHOW DOWN *** Ezalbman shows [9h 9c] (a full house, Nines full of Jacks) jeff48 shows [Jh Qd] (a full house, Jacks full of Threes) jeff48 wins the pot ($52.05) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes Ezalbman is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $54.75 | Rake $2.70 Board: [3c 9d Js Jc 3h] Seat 1: -Toothpik- didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: KeynesCA is sitting out Seat 3: obi-wang didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: cloud71 folded on the Turn Seat 5: jeff48 showed [Jh Qd] and won ($52.05) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes Seat 6: frosttine (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: Ezalbman (small blind) showed [9h 9c] and lost with a full house, Nines full of Jacks Seat 9: jrcarter25 (big blind) folded before the Flop
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Re: AA - What do you do I think i would just have checked the turn, the problem as I see it, I doN´t belive both you opponenets have an underpair, If they call your flop bet because they had a set or a J, then you are behind now, with only 2 outs. If they called your bets with an open ended straight draw (QT/T8) then your bet of 3.25 into a pot of over 8 is to small, they almost have odds to call (provided they think that a straight will be good/No full house), and with implied odds its an easy call. So you bet will never acomplish anything, it needs to be bigger to force them to lay down a straight draw, and with to callers in this situation you want to try to keep the pot small, so I would just check and give the hand up to a raise.

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Re: AA - What do you do

So as a new cash player I need some advice here. If I check - will that tell me what the other players have got?? Wouldn't I get bet against anyway - if I check. If I put in a continuation bet, wouldn't that give me more information??
I dont really care what they think about what ive got when I check. IM pretty sure one of THEM has a jack so why put more money into a pot your drawing so thin into it just makes no sense at all. Theres no shame in checking when youre pretty sure youre behind. Id bet again against one opponent but not 2.
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Re: AA - What do you do

So as a new cash player I need some advice here. If I check - will that tell me what the other players have got?? Wouldn't I get bet against anyway - if I check. If I put in a continuation bet, wouldn't that give me more information??
I dont really care what they think about what ive got when I check. IM pretty sure one of THEM has a jack so why put more money into a pot your drawing so thin into it just makes no sense at all. Theres no shame in checking when youre pretty sure youre behind. Id bet again against one opponent but not 2.
That makes most sense to me. The fact is cloud that you learn to player poker so that you can eradicate mistakes from your game and the fact that you got away before the river should be applauded (as a cash game beginner), BUT I think mrm is suggesting that you trust yourself. If you felt that you were behind then why pay money to find out?
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Re: AA - What do you do Yeah I can see where you are coming from Muzeman/Valiant. The problem I had was after the turn, the first player only checked , so in my mind I was possibly only up against one opponent. But my instinct DID tell me i was behind. So I was torn.

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Re: AA - What do you do

Yeah I can see where you are coming from Muzeman/Valiant. The problem I had was after the turn, the first player only checked , so in my mind I was possibly only up against one opponent. But my instinct DID tell me i was behind. So I was torn.
*** TURN *** [3c 9d Js] [Jc] Ezalbman checks cloud71 bets $3.25 jeff48 raises to $6.50 Ezalbman has 15 seconds left to act Ezalbman raises to $12.50 cloud71 folds jeff48 has 15 seconds left to act jeff48 calls $6
Okay, I see your point. But what I imagine would have happened if you had checked is this; Ezalbman checks cloud71 bets $3.25checks jeff48 raises to $6.50 bets $3 (maybe even $5 if he thinks he can take it down here) Ezalbman has 15 seconds left to act Ezalbman raises to $12.50 cloud71 (gets as much information but saves $3.25 and) folds jeff48 has 15 seconds left to act jeff48 calls $6 Of course it could be that you could have ended up getting sucked into calling a smaller bet and seeing the river, but you knew you were on a 2 outer. Mate I can't fault your play truthfully, but we're talking ideal solutions aren't we? :ok
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