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What next?


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A hand I played in tonights Mansion. If you saw what happened, please don't spoil it. Simple really - what are your thoughts on the hand, whats happened so far, what do you put him on and what do you think I should do next? HAND HISTORY DETAILS ***** Hand History for Game 12262912 ***** Buy in PL League $2 Tournament Hand start time: 2006-10-26 21:40:46 Seat 9 is the button Total number of players: 5 Seat 1: gazabroad(10,614.00) Seat 2: Seat 3: uber1(14,833.00) Seat 4: the_cloud(13,774.00) Seat 5: Telepe(9,403.00) Seat 6: Seat 7: Seat 8: Seat 9: chess72(40,457.00) Current Number of Players: 530 chess72 start position: 40,457.00 Telepe start position: 9,403.00 the_cloud start position: 13,774.00 uber1 start position: 14,833.00 gazabroad start position: 10,614.00 chess72 posts ante (40) gazabroad posts ante (40) uber1 posts ante (40) the_cloud posts ante (40) Telepe posts ante (40) gazabroad posts small blind (400) uber1 posts big blind (800) Telepe is dealt down [9c Ac] the_cloud folds Telepe raises to (3000) chess72 folds gazabroad calls (3000) uber1 folds flop: [5s Qh Kh] gazabroad bets (800)

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Re: What next? no clubs on the board, You raised big preflop and he called so he has something, you totally miss the flop, but he only bets out 1 x BB, it's a little continuation bet to asses the strength of your hand. He's worried about that flop, it hasn't helped him. I put him on A X where X is a faily big kicker, mostly likey 10 or J. Probably suited as well. I think your behind and in real trouble. Fold. Don't like the raise of a third of your stack with A9s btw, it's too much on a marginal hand, you could have flat called it, and got more info cheaply before becoming too involved.

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Re: What next? That's a big raise with A9s... Gaz's min bet would worry me to be honest, can't see that he's trying to knock you out of the pot with a bet of about 1/8 of the pot. Suggests to me that he's either got a big hand and is pretty much check-raising you, or he has the flush draw and figures that he's better off betting and hoping you flat call than letting you throw in a bigger bet. I'd say 20% chance he has KK or QQ, 10% that he has KQ, 20% that he has K or Q with decent kicker, 35% that he has 2 hearts, and 15% bluff... That means there's a 30% chance that you're completely screwed, with 15% chance you're probably ahead by a bit and 35% chance that you're ahead but with him having a roughly 1 in 3 chance of drawing out on you. I'd go further with the stats but I'm already boring myself... I was about to say call and hope for the A on the turn, but given the Ah should have you worried about the flush, you're basically pinning all your hopes on one of two turn cards. Pot odds are very tempting, but you know what they say about something which looks too good to be true... I'd throw it away, personally. Too much potential to get into trouble...

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Re: What next? I love gaza's bet - it could be either a feeler to see if you hit, or a deliberately small bet hoping to induce a raise. They're two completely opposed things and unless you know more about him than me I don't think there's enough information to say which. I think I'd fold this, just because I have nothing and he probably called a raise that big with something - even if he's drawing he could be ahead, and you'll be getting pot committed quickly if you continue. But if you do choose to play it, you need to raise big. Anyways, it's an excellent bet with more or less any hand, I like it more the more I think about it.

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Re: What next?

Simple really - what are your thoughts on the hand, whats happened so far, what do you put him on and what do you think I should do next?
You have to raise preflop imo. 4 handed with a suited ace, defo worth a raise. I see why you bet 3K cos its exactly pot sized for the BB to call it, I always do stuff like that as well ( or maybe it was just coincidence!). Anyway I probly woulda raised only to 2.4K so I can safely throw it away if someone comes back over the top. Also if I get called I havent committed TOO much. Fairly hard to place him on a hand here. I dont think hes strong though is my instinct. But that doesnt mean he wont call if I go all in either. I just dont think he has an awesome hand, it looks way more feeler than sucker bet to me. Youre either all in or fold here is basically the decision, no other play makes any other sense whatsoever. I think he should have some of it, either K or Q or draw and I think im getting called even if he just has a draw if I go all in because of the size of the pot, so i would fold. Im not stupidly low on chips so I can still come back. Its possible youll gain a fold by going all in but not probable enough for me.
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Re: What next? Firstly I hate A9 - it's a bogey hand for me. One other thing to consider here is that this is bubble time. The FT consisted of 9 players and there's only 5 on this table. I can therefore assume that there is either 5 or 6 on the other table. Only the FT got paid. Thus both his and your play could be influenced by this. A minimum raise post flop is not trying to steal a pot of this size therefore he's either trying to build the pot to take it down later, in which case he's got a very good hand here (trips, 2 pair or 2 high hearts AJ, A10) or he's trying to find out information on your hand as cheaply as possible. Personally I'd fold as you still have a decent chip stack and will soon be on the FT and ITM. You haven't hit on the flop and you're really only chasing an Ace if you call or reraise, a 9 will probably not help you determine where you are in the hand.

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Re: What next? 40% - AJ/Q/Ko 30% - Possibly he's got the 2 hearts (J9 and above), 30% - A pocket pair 10 or less... Assuming he has a hand... the small bet is suspicious but could just be a bet into a scarey flop or he knows that you'll fold to a small raise unless you have the nuts... he knows you'll have to most likely fold or go all-in unless you have a monster so he'll get good value for his probe bet. :ok Choice is either all-in or fold for me... Probably fold... unless you think he is putting out a feeler bet... would need to know how he had been playing up until then... then ALL-in it is. Not a good flop for you though.

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Re: What next? Well, I interpretted his bet as WEAK - it was a probe bet to see where he was. So, for me my cards didn't matter - I wanted to tell him I was strong. Very Strong. It has been suggested all in or fold - normally I agree, however I wanted to represent AA, KK, QQ or AK and I thought a smaller raise would indicate greater strength than an all in. If he didn't have it (which Iwas pretty sure he didn't) I couldn't see him calling or coming over the top. My bet wasn't looking to leave an escape route for me - so far as I was concerned I was committed and trying to get him thinking I wanted all the chips in the middle..... So I was horrified when he came over the top and put me all in. If he knew my weakness and bluffed me, fantastic call. Suddenly my read on him changed and I now thought the small bet wasn't weakness but massive strength. I considered I must have been drawing all but dead and folded. So Mate - what did you have? HAND HISTORY DETAILS ***** Hand History for Game 12262912 ***** Buy in PL League $2 Tournament Hand start time: 2006-10-26 21:40:46 Seat 9 is the button Total number of players: 5 Seat 1: gazabroad(10,614.00) Seat 2: Seat 3: uber1(14,833.00) Seat 4: the_cloud(13,774.00) Seat 5: Telepe(9,403.00) Seat 6: Seat 7: Seat 8: Seat 9: chess72(40,457.00) Current Number of Players: 530 chess72 start position: 40,457.00 Telepe start position: 9,403.00 the_cloud start position: 13,774.00 uber1 start position: 14,833.00 gazabroad start position: 10,614.00 chess72 posts ante (40) gazabroad posts ante (40) uber1 posts ante (40) the_cloud posts ante (40) Telepe posts ante (40) gazabroad posts small blind (400) uber1 posts big blind (800) Telepe is dealt down [9c Ac] the_cloud folds Telepe raises to (3000) chess72 folds gazabroad calls (3000) uber1 folds flop: [5s Qh Kh] gazabroad bets (800) Telepe raises to (3600) gazabroad raises to (6400) Telepe folds gazabroad is refunded (2800) gazabroad wins (14200) gazabroad mucks gazabroad end position: 18,174.00 uber1 end position: 13,993.00 the_cloud end position: 13,734.00 Telepe end position: 2,763.00 chess72 end position: 40,417.00 Hand end time: 2006-10-26 21:42:03

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Re: What next? OK here goes :lol Buy in PL League $2 Tournament Hand start time: 2006-10-26 21:40:46 Seat 9 is the button Total number of players: 5 Seat 1: gazabroad(10,614.00) Seat 2: Seat 3: uber1(14,833.00) Seat 4: the_cloud(13,774.00) Seat 5: Telepe(9,403.00) Seat 6: Seat 7: Seat 8: Seat 9: chess72(40,457.00) Current Number of Players: 1249 chess72 start position: 40,457.00 Telepe start position: 9,403.00 the_cloud start position: 13,774.00 uber1 start position: 14,833.00 gazabroad start position: 10,614.00 chess72 posts ante (40) gazabroad posts ante (40) uber1 posts ante (40) the_cloud posts ante (40) Telepe posts ante (40) gazabroad posts small blind (400) uber1 posts big blind (800) gazabroad is dealt down [9s Kc] the_cloud folds Telepe raises to (3000) chess72 folds gazabroad calls (3000) uber1 folds flop: [5s Qh Kh] gazabroad bets (800) Telepe raises to (3600) gazabroad raises to (6400) Telepe folds gazabroad is refunded (2800) gazabroad wins (14200) gazabroad mucks gazabroad end position: 18,174.00 uber1 end position: 13,993.00 the_cloud end position: 13,734.00 Telepe end position: 2,763.00 chess72 end position: 40,417.00 Hand end time: 2006-10-26 21:42:03 Have to be honest, I´m always wary of your raises and expecting 72o. Came back to see how strong you actually were. Pair of kings at that stage would take most hands.:dude

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