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Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

Burnley Joe

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! Thanks Joe I'm still getting grief off this lot but it seems to be nearly sorted now :ok One of the things they 'asked' me to do was to fill out my profile on Pokah! (which is their online community on the website) They didn't stipulate I had to be serious :D so it may be worth a look (and then update your profiles :ok) Good luck to anyone who will be playing this - going off what I have seen this week it will be two tables at the most in the final on Saturday so well worth a try for an $11K package.

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

Thanks Joe I'm still getting grief off this lot but it seems to be nearly sorted now :ok One of the things they 'asked' me to do was to fill out my profile on Pokah! (which is their online community on the website) They didn't stipulate I had to be serious :D so it may be worth a look (and then update your profiles :ok) Good luck to anyone who will be playing this - going off what I have seen this week it will be two tables at the most in the final on Saturday so well worth a try for an $11K package.
Nice profile:lol :lol Care in the community:rollin
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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! What was your reaction when you realized you were the winner? I screamed until all the family came running in. They all jumped on me, then my son and I went bouncing on the trampoline in the back garden singing ' tie me kangaroo down sport'. calmness personified bri?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

I notice this has changed - no longer restricted to UK players.........
Or so you would think :\ Their website actually now says that it is open to players of all nationalities, but that players would be responsible for getting to the UK to make the journey to Australia. I tried signing up to Pokerroom using my UK address first off, but as it recognised that my IP address was in Belgium they were having none of that! So I asked for clarification on eligibility for the Ashes tourney (before I saw the above quote on their website). I got the response that "Kindly be advised that the tournamnet is for UK residents and should you be playing from belgium you will not be eligible for the prize even though you are a UK resident." - so they are agreeing that I'm a UK resident, but I'm still not eligible - I've asked them to explain themselves here, but I don't suppose that anyone knows of anyone sensible within Pokerroom (or whoever they are hosted by) I could speak to get to the bottom of this?
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! I have had a few PM's, text's, MSN's asking about this, so I have decided to bore all of you. It's a very long story, so I'll shorten it down but it just goes to show what a complete SHAM!!!:@ most of these poker companies are. I was contacted the Monday after I won (4th Nov) by someone saying they were from pokerroom (it turns out they wasnt) saying I had until 5pm this evening to tell them the name of my guest, this was at around 2pm. I explained that I had been trying to contact them to find out more about the itinerary because I wanted to explore the possibility of taking my wife and 2 kids. They told me they would get an itinerary to me, never happened, had no time left, so I named my son thinking that I could still get my wife and daughter booked once I had the details. Over the next few weeks I emailed pokerroom several times and got no answer. Then this guy whom I had spoken to before phoned and asked me to do some PR, I said shove it!! and explained nobody had been in touch, he then admitted he wasn't from Pokerroom but a PR company called Mantra and it had nothing to do with him :@. Everytime I called pokerroom they had no idea what I was on about and every email was ignored. Then I had a phone call from a lady saying she was from Pokerroom asking for details so she could get the visa's sorted, she gets an earful, turns out she's from a company called hospitalityweb who are the agents for the trip, I explain my problem she says she will get an itinerary over.....3 weeks later I get a very vague itinerary in the post, there was a lot of things missing- transfers/hotels @ heathrow, meals/expenses, it also mentioned we had tickets fo 4 days and if it went to 5 we had to queue and buy it.:lol:lol:lol I got back to this company and to mantra and explained that pokerroom was not fulfilling its T&C's and they explained that the competition was run by an offshoot of pokerroom called pokercricket.com and they are now defunct and that mantra now have nothing to do with pokerroom and its just this package take it or leave it !! I remind them that I entered through pokerroom and paid my money to pokerroom so I have a contract with them. I finally get the head honcho from the hospitality company on who agrees the the T&C's state I should have more and promise to speak to pokeroom and get back to me ...that was two weeks ago, nothing!!! :wall:wall In the mean time I am speaking to the hotel to try and find out prices of meals, breakfasts etc. They remind me that our first full day there is Christmas Day and the restuarant is fully booked :puke. Bearing in mind everything closes in OZ for 3 days at christmas, I mention this to hospitalityweb along the lines we have to fckin eat you know. 3 days later I get an email saying for £230 (payable to them) I can have Christmas Dinner at The Melbourne Rowing Club:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon. I ask them WTF do they think I am and there response is 'Its a top spot and all drinks are included' (I'm sure James is glad about that!!). Finally after about 6 weeks and 15 emails later I get an email back off pokerroom:- Hi Mr. Martin, Thank you so much for your patience regarding this matter. Please excuse us for the considerable delay in which it has taken to get back to you. We would like to congratulate you and wish you the best of luck in the Poker Ashes tournament. We hope that you have all the information previously requested however, should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Again, thank you for your patience and we are truly sorry for the delay.. Regards, Orietta PokerRoom.com Support Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PokerRoom.com MEET THEM AND BEAT THEM http://www.pokerroom.com/ What a fckin joke !!!!!!!!!!!!! now the people at Mantra and Hospitalityweb are dodging my calls and mails:\:\:\ So with 4 days to go I still have not had any contact with Pokerroom or been given an answer to any of my questions. We are still preparing to go TBH we have the flight tickets (from heathrow :eyes), we have the name of the hotel and where to pick up our tickets for the match. Its too good an oppotunity to miss. I goes without saying I have closed my account with pokerroom and you will never find me in there again.

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! Mate I understand you've been snowed under and things must be hectic right now, but have you tried to contact the other tourney winners?

The Ashes finals have so far brought us four delighted tournament winners; MCFC74, Puggy82 and rocketjim! Here you can learn about the action going down on the final tables, as well as bits and pieces about the winners themselves.

Be sure to visit their pokah profiles too: MCFC74 - Puggy82 - rocketjim - Saussure

I'm off for a bath right now, but this isn't right. I had a look at pokercricket and the last update to the site was on the 15th. The pages are "© PokerRoom.com Established 1999" and the promo pages are based at Pokerroom. It looks to me as though Pokerroom are pulling a fast one. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ If there is anything I can do (except driving over to water your plants....) let me know.
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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! Andy I have tried to contact the other 3 - one is not happy and complaining the same as me, one thought I was being an ungrateful bastid :rollin, the other never replied. Are PR pulling a fast one? or are they just ignorant to what has happened? it would be interesting to speak to them :\:\:\

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! What a bunch of tossers - they generate loads of publicity on the back of these 'Great Prizes' , reap the rewards of additional business then don't deliver on the goods.:@ I'm at a loss to say something positive about the whole thing - just feel sorry for you and your lad. I hope you still go and enjoy whatevers there, but it sounds like it may be costing you more than you envisaged.:(

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

Andy I have tried to contact the other 3 - one is not happy and complaining the same as me, one thought I was being an ungrateful bastid :rollin, the other never replied.
Ungrateful? :loon Hmmm, did you pay the $100+9 for a laugh? :eyes
Are PR pulling a fast one? or are they just ignorant to what has happened? it would be interesting to speak to them :\:\:\
I think someone is desperately trying to save their arse over this.... 4x$10,000 prizes=$40,000 They needed 367 players @ $100+9 or equivalent and they didn't get anywhere near enough. It doesn't take a genius to realise that they have lost a huge amount of money on this. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'creator' of this promotion is doing their damnedest to make this go away. Maybe you should contact these; http://www.kahnawake.com/gamingcommission/ or at least inform Pokerroom that you are doing so. It'd be nice to think that one of the PokerPlayer crowd will step in and help you, however they seem to appear when they want to publicise their mag.
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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! With pokerroom being aroung for quite a while, very much established and when I saw the prizes on offer I wouldn't have thought for one minute they would renege on what they offered in their promotion. I'm amazed though at the amount of "middle men" in these promotions and it seems like nobody knows whats happening and whatever your question, you have to go and ask someone else.:wall It's a shambles and they are shitbags of the highest order.:\ I just hope you sort it in the time thats left, Bri :hope

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!! Sorry to hear about this Bri, wish i would not have posted it in the first place now. Beleive me i know how you feel. I contacted http://www.kahnawake.com/gamingcommission/ who never responded. What i did as a last resort against GP was start a claim in the small claims court for £5k, which they upheld, just a pity the company went bust! if you need any info about doing it let me know and i`ll send all details. It costs about £80 which is the down side, but of you win you get the £5K

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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

I own PuntersLounge.com which has a an extremely active Poker Forum and is the biggest betting forum in Europe. One of my members, Brian Martin has won a trip to the ashes from your site, but despite numerous emails and speaking to your agents, he is still in the dark of a lot of details and you are no longer answering his correspondence. Only 4 days until he leaves, this is absolutely shocking service. If you think we are just bluffing, please check out our goalpoker.com thread, where we pretty much bankrupted that company after they tried to get out of 2 WSOP packages. You have 24 hours to contact Mr Martin, on his mobile and sort this out. If you don't? We will put you as headline news on our front page and all of the sites listed below. We will also tell the story in our next newsletter, again you will be headline news! 24 hours, the clock is ticking......... Regards Paul Ross
Let's see what happens. ;)
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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

Nice one Paul.
Yes but who is this Barry Martin :loon I've had another mail today off the PR company (as I sent her a link to this thread :ok) she has apologised for not getting back to me but she has the same problem as me, Pokerroom are not getting back to her. Really it is not their fault they have fulfilled their obligations as per instructions from Pokerroom and they longer have anything to do with Pokerroom.
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Re: Well done MCFC - Enjoy the Ashes in Australia!!!

Yes but who is this Barry Martin :loon I've had another mail today off the PR company (as I sent her a link to this thread :ok) she has apologised for not getting back to me but she has the same problem as me, Pokerroom are not getting back to her. Really it is not their fault they have fulfilled their obligations as per instructions from Pokerroom and they longer have anything to do with Pokerroom.
He he, I just pointed out his fcuk up :lol ... should be sorted now :ok I hope everything goes well for you Brian :hope You know... I get those scary mails from PR when the dishes or the washing aren't done :loon ... they work ;)
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