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Online Forum Challenge

Burnley Joe

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Got this from another forum, are we entering?

Online Forum Challenge #7 - Special Event Freeroll - Hosted and Sponsored by OK USA Poker Saturday, November 25th, 2006 at 3:00pm EST. Total Prize Pool: $1,250 ($1,000 for player prize pool, $250 for the winning forum) MAKE SURE YOU USE THE EMAIL YOU USED TO REGISER AT OKUSA POKER WHEN PRE-REGISERING

Online Forum Challenge #8 - Special Event Cash Added Buy-In Hosted and Sponsored by OK USA Poker Sunday, November 26th, 2006 at 3:00pm EST $5.00 + $0.50 buy-in, PLUS $1,750 ADDED to the total Prize Pool! ($1,500 added to player prize pool, $250 for winning forum)

Pre-registration opens on October 25th at 3pm EST. Pre-registration closes 4 weeks later on Wed. November 22nd, 3pm EST. Registration opens on OK USA POKER for both events on Friday November 24th, 3pm EST. Additional prizes may be added, details to come soon.

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Re: Online Forum Challenge Ooops - I did get the heads up on this last week and forgot about it. If you are going to set up a new account here and want to support PL, can I ask you to hang fire till I have the link before signing up please :ok

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