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Omaha - make trips on the river - now what?


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think I suck at omaha :) what do we think - how much of a rick did I make playing this hand? and now what do i do? Damo Hand #446646578 at table: Table OH 41 Started: Wed Oct 25 20:31:33 2006 pascalco is at seat 1 with 9.50 shaunus is at seat 2 with 39.75 hepe13 is at seat 3 with 57.05 BENZONA is at seat 4 with 33.46 Ivanello is at seat 5 with 34.31 Veelix is at seat 6 with 74.35 robilaruk is at seat 7 with 50.75 .Negreanu. is at seat 8 with 35.25 lepkeke is at seat 9 with 21.62 && fire&& is at seat 10 with 140.07 pascalco posts the large blind 0.50 && fire&& posts the small blind 0.25 && fire&&: --, --, --, -- pascalco: --, --, --, -- shaunus: --, --, --, -- hepe13: --, --, --, -- BENZONA: --, --, --, -- Ivanello: --, --, --, -- Veelix: --, --, --, -- robilaruk: Kh, Ad, 7c, Kd .Negreanu.: --, --, --, -- lepkeke: --, --, --, -- Pre-flop: shaunus: Fold hepe13: Raise 1.75 BENZONA: Fold Ivanello: Fold Veelix: Fold robilaruk: Call 1.75 .Negreanu.: Call 1.75 lepkeke: Fold && fire&&: Call 1.75 pascalco: Fold Flop (Board: 2h, 6s, 5c): && fire&&: Check hepe13: Check robilaruk: Bet 3.00 .Negreanu.: Call 3.00 && fire&&: Call 3.00 hepe13: Fold Turn (Board: 2h, 6s, 5c, 4s): && fire&&: Bet 0.50 robilaruk: Call 0.50 .Negreanu.: Call 0.50 River (Board: 2h, 6s, 5c, 4s, Ks):

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Re: Omaha - make trips on the river - now what? You should have folded the flop, chances that you're ahead in Omaha in a 3 way pot that's being bet on that board, with an overpair and no useful draws, are slim to none. As far as the river goes, I'd gingerly check expecting to be behind, only bet if you want to represent something, like the nut flush, definitely not on the strength of your hand. If you check and he bets any sizable amount, fold. Basically you have a weak hand, at every point since the flop, including after the river. :)

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Re: Omaha - make trips on the river - now what? I bet the flop after 2 checks to me -so I guess you are saying check/fold the flop how much might you call a bet on the river for? Damo

You should have folded the flop' date=' chances that you're ahead in Omaha in a 3 way pot that's being bet on that board, with an overpair and no useful draws, are slim to none. As far as the river goes, I'd gingerly check expecting to be behind, only bet if you want to represent something, like the nut flush, definitely not on the strength of your hand. If you check and he bets any sizable amount, fold. Basically you have a weak hand, at every point since the flop, including after the river. :)[/quote']
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