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crazy cash game


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Re: crazy cash game I'm far from a great poker player, but I have played very low level cash games before and put in an enormous raise and it frightens the fcuk outta them. :lol 2 examples was I had AJ and JT and just felt like bullying. A guy raises before me each time, and I go waaaaaay over the top. Bizarrely they both told me they had QQ, 2 different players, then folded, which I did find amusing. It's very interesting reading anyway mole, thanks for sharing. :ok

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Re: crazy cash game

thanks paul' date=' very much appreciated, now that i know how to put in hand history (tx to valiant) i will be able to share some of the experiances and hope they are of help to other pl players[/quote'] Thanks Mole - This weekend I have just gone back to trying STTs as previously each time I had lost a quarter of my bankroll on 10 seater STTs I would play 5 card draw or the cash tables to win the money back and lost the confidence to play them. I have done ok so far and will continue at the same level until I am confident and competent enough to go to a higher level. I thought that maybe I am just a tournament player or could maybe be a cash player,as I go to the cash games to recoup any losses from STTs. I look forward to keeping an eye on your posts to gain any advice/tips. :ok
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Re: crazy cash game

this was a hand ive just found which happened a little earlier in the night ( same player) hes going to love me, again i stress this is a winning player Hand #444706528 at table: Table TH 679 Started: Mon Oct 23 01:36:58 2006 AssQuatch is at seat 1 with 0.00 the mole is at seat 2 with 4896.00 Pokergirl_ is at seat 3 with 4750.00 Aurora9 is at seat 4 with 5813.00 SirCassius is at seat 5 with 11350.00 SirCassius posts the large blind 50.00 Aurora9 posts the small blind 25.00 Aurora9: --, -- SirCassius: --, -- the mole: 10d, 10h Pokergirl_: --, -- Pre-flop: the mole: Raise 200.00 Pokergirl_: Fold Aurora9: Raise 600.00 SirCassius: Fold the mole: Call 600.00 Flop (Board: Jh, 8s, 7h): Aurora9: Bet 800.00 the mole: Call 800.00 Turn (Board: Jh, 8s, 7h, Kh): Aurora9: Bet 1800.00 the mole: Call 1800.00 River (Board: Jh, 8s, 7h, Kh, 10c): Aurora9: Check the mole: All in Aurora9: Call 1696.00 Showdown: the mole shows: 10d, 10h (three of a kind, Tens) Mainpot: the mole wins the pot of 9839.00 with three of a kind, Tens (3.00 rake were taken for this hand)
Fair play on this one. However I think you are brave calling with what you had after flop and then river. :notworthy
Why? I ask because in a tournament I don't think this is the worst spot to be in. Although the flop has put an overcard it is only one, and still leaves you with outs. Obviously the K was a cooler for Mole, but still left him with opportunites to win easily or get away from the hand. I saw the villain say afterwards that he had AK, but he mucked. If his A is not a heart, then after the turn Mole is 32% to win, as opposed to the villain's 68%. If his A is a heart then he is 11% to win. So, if Mole called a bet of 1800 into a pot of 3600 then he has the correct odds. He can get away from it if another lower heart came on the river, but if the A hearts came then he is losing to one card - the Q. I didn't have the odds at hand. I used the odds calc at poker player, but when I saw the hand being played I thought Mole played it right. glceud - That is a great article. Thanks. :lol :ok
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Re: crazy cash game The big games 25/50 and up really are pretty mental. If you watch some HU in those stakes then it really just seems to be about who has the bigger balls tbh, I dont really see how they can ever put one another on hands. Youll get a raise then a large reraise and a call and theyll both have shite if you see it most of the time :lol I have to admit I dont really like it either, it doesnt seem so much about the game anymore but just challenging eachothers bottle and stuff. I honestly think the best quality cash game poker is played at 2/4 in terms of the game. I dont mean all the best players play 2/4, far from it, some of the high stakes players are the best there is, I just like the style of the game better. Probably cos im a full ring guy and I like playing that rather than shorthanded. All the high stakes stuff seems to be shorthanded and HU.

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Re: crazy cash game

re: your first example' date=' did you not consider he had a 9 after the flop with his re-raise to 2100? It'd make me think a second for sure.[/quote'] No Danny, pre flop raise and reraise tell you he does not have a 9 ( unless he has pocket 9,s) and thankfully he didnt, also if he had pocket 9,s he wouldnt have bet or at least so much.
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