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Online Reads and Tells


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I was sitting playing on the Boss skin last night (Fortune for those interested) and I had a player to my left that I ended up having a great read on. It did cost me a bit to find it, but I was more than happy to have picked it up. Any time he had A-x, he'd double the big blind. He also did this with mid-small pairs and would happily play connecting cards, suited or not, with great pleasure. A-10/J or above would mean a bet 3x the BB and I dread to think what he'd do with AA. So, after a while, I'm finding myself playing garbage hands when he doubles the BB, knowing that if an A doesn't flop, he's going to lay it down most of the time. I also found him calling down with mid-pair even if I'd hit top. To say I was pleased for myself is a slight understatement. It was the first time I had such a good read on a player. But, that's the aspect of the game I find a lot harder than in a B&M card room. In B&M, I'm able to use what information I can get from Mike Caro and the like and use it to my advantage. Things like players staring at you or the flop, the way they throw their chips in etc. But you can't do this online. So, is there anything else to look for other than betting patterns? What stories have you got of getting a read on someone that make you proud?

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Re: Online Reads and Tells I picked up a read on a player on Pokerstars on Saturday night. If the guy was in the pot, but out of position he would always bet the flop. I believe it was regardless (Super System II play I think) of what he had. He would make a bigger bet whenever there was an A. To prove my theory I slow played AK, got him in the hand and hit. He bet out the flop, and I called. On the blank turn he checked, I bet out and he folded. After this happened (or similar) I managed to get a lot of chips off him ny (double?) bluffing. I never got caught either (at least I don't think I did, and I had PLers railing). :lol Saying that I am quite happy to lose a pot or pay off someone when I'm behind in order to gain information from them - ie, how they played a made hand such as a flush. :ok

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Re: Online Reads and Tells I think it's an important part of the game to be willing to donk off a few $ at the tables to get a read on your opponent. I think that's why I turned chat off. I'd call a small bet just for the info and then get, "OMG, ***** fish," or something similar. Then I get the thought in my head telling me to change me game and it's a pain in the arse. So, yeah, chat OFF.

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Re: Online Reads and Tells Interesting thread :ok The biggest online tell is obviously betting patterns, but there are others.... - length of time to act - Chat - whilst it is often used to try and minipulate YOU, it can often say a lot about the person chatting (especially if it's some Muppet constantly whining about his luck/bad beats/opponents play "How did you call with xx" etc...) - alias? Players giving a tell usually play the opposite to what they imply? - Amount they buy in for (max/min/in between) Anyone think of others?

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Re: Online Reads and Tells Instacheck is an obvious one. They have nothing so bet and youll take it almost everytime. Its a sweet thing to see when it goes check/check really fast, bet and almost everytime youll take it. A speech one - say someone goes all in and your faced with a tough decision on whether to call. If they say to you 'ill show you if you fold' or something to that effect, you very likely have the best hand. It seems to work, its kind of like a ple for you to fold in a way. Another one which indicates a strong hand is a very long wait and then an all in. Usually trying to make you think they had to think about it a lot or whatever when often in this scenario they actually have the nuts or close to it, so watch for that.

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Re: Online Reads and Tells

Another one which indicates a strong hand is a very long wait and then an all in. Usually trying to make you think they had to think about it a lot or whatever when often in this scenario they actually have the nuts or close to it, so watch for that.
Yeh but if that's me it's because the mouse has stopped working properly and I'm trying to get the slide up to all-in and it sticks half way and I'm shouting move you bas at the computer, happens ALL the time.:loon
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Re: Online Reads and Tells

Yeh but if that's me it's because the mouse has stopped working properly and I'm trying to get the slide up to all-in and it sticks half way and I'm shouting move you bas at the computer' date=' happens ALL the time.:loon[/quote'] DanDan - sounds like you're still using a rollerball mouse? Strongly urge you to get an optical mouse - you can get them for less than a fiver now and they really are much better (and never "stick")
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Re: Online Reads and Tells unless theyre really clever and instant check to get other people to bet :unsure not that Ive seen this before you understand another one, is those people who state that they have "a monster" in the chat box and really do, again another one I never seen and also be wary of people playing live, listening to an ipod who put in a big raise and then show you that they are listening to MC Hammer - "you cant touch this", apparently that one upsets people when the fail to believe - again I've not been on the recieving end of this one ;)

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Re: Online Reads and Tells

DanDan - sounds like you're still using a rollerball mouse? Strongly urge you to get an optical mouse - you can get them for less than a fiver now and they really are much better (and never "stick")
Have both GaF, optical on PC, rollerball on laptop (cos I hate the touch pad) and they both bloody stick!
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Re: Online Reads and Tells

Yeh but if that's me it's because the mouse has stopped working properly and I'm trying to get the slide up to all-in and it sticks half way and I'm shouting move you bas at the computer' date=' happens ALL the time.:loon[/quote'] I'm usually in the kitchen listening for the bleep and wiping my hands before I pick up the mouse! :lol
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