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Account management


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I've finally decided that I HAVE to tidy up my accounts and get everything I don't use back to neteller - working through my accounts (I still haven't finished) I've withdrawn funds from 9 dormant accounts so far (and not insignificant sums either :$) I can't believe I'd let it get so bad ...... anyone else seemingly leaving their money lying around EVERYWHERE? My Neteller account is going to look ridiculously healthy in a couple of days!!!! I'm going to start getting into the habit I think of only depositing what I need for a tourney and cashing out straight after a win if its not a regular site of mine.....

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Re: Account management Bizzarly done the same today myself mate. Probably not withdrawn as much as you have but still amazing how many $20 - $100 I have in various accounts. Some on them I found it hard to withdraw and just went fot the send me a bloody cheque option.

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Re: Account management i was thinking of doing this soon as well:ok probably over christmas when i might actually get some time:hope . god knows how many sites i have money in ,but its nowhere near gafs total:loon but i can think of a couple i rarely use that have $100+in them ,so a clean up is definately needed.

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Re: Account management Did the same thing about a month ago. I keep a certain amount in Betfair,William Hill and Neteller and anything over that i just put into my Bank account. I've had some very nice results this year...not all poker...some Casino and some match betting returns. Although this last week i'm getting no returns from my Poker,a combination of Bad Beats,playing too many games and of course Bad Play by me :wall One things for sure you can't win all the time,anyway that would spoil all the fun :)

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Re: Account management

but i can think of a couple i rarely use that have $100+in them ' date='so a clean up is definately needed.[/quote'] They're the ones that amazed me!!! I've found sites Ihaven't been to for months with $300 in them!!! The sites I'm keeping money in, I'm drastically reducing what I hold in them too.... Have taken the money from Party for Monster too ($2500) even though they're thieving us blind!!!!
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