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**Poker Saturday 21st October**


**Poker Saturday 21st October**  

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    • 09:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 11:00 Betway Happy Saturday Freeroll
    • 13:00 William Hill £500
    • 15:00 Dream Poker Dirty Dozen Qualifier
    • 16:30 Betfair Inside Edge BAPT Freeroll
    • 17:00 Noble $300 Omaha Freeroll
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Holdempoker Lucky Dollar

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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

Another reason.... you can actually SIT OUT in this game ans STILL earn around 90 points for our table... Because the 1000000000 entrants are down to 200 in about an hour....
I don't think you will regularly get 90 points through sitting out in this (though it has happened) HOWEVER, even if you get 5 sit out scores of 90 points (I don't think you could) you will still only have 450 points - which puts you way down the table - if you're play isn't better than doing nothing, do you deserve more points than a sitout anyway? :tongue2
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October** Not sure I agree. I think you have to be lucky at avoiding the lucky.

I disagree..... Yes, variance is higher than "normal". Yes, it takes a different skill set to do well in it..... BUT the players ARE so bad that your edge is greater than normal. The test here is how responsive you are to the opponents around you rather than having a "single gameplan" that you apply to all poker situations... There are PL'rs who are doing consistently well at this. There are others (who you would expect to do well) who are failing every week. My argument would be that those that are doing well are better at adjusting their game to the situation than those that don't......That's an essential poker skill.....
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

I don't think you will regularly get 90 points through sitting out in this (though it has happened) HOWEVER' date=' even if you get 5 sit out scores of 90 points (I don't think you could) you will still only have 450 points - which puts you way down the table - if you're play isn't better than doing nothing, do you deserve more points than a sitout anyway? :tongue2[/quote'] It happened last week... ...and this tourney has everything to do with skills... no luck involved at all ... Did I mention that I am still in btw???? :tongue2 246 left
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

...and this tourney has everything to do with skills... no luck involved at all ... Did I mention that I am still in btw???? :tongue2
:lol :lol :lol Nice one Pene - keep going - Mega points :ok
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October** Out in 665th had over pair to the board, he goes all in, i call he has a 5 with 2 3 on the board, yes you've guessed it hits the 4 on the river! Agree that if you play properly you have a good edge over these bad players, but you do have to avoid a lot of out draws. Still there's always next time as they say.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

Out in 665th had over pair to the board, he goes all in, i call he has a 5 with 2 3 on the board, yes you've guessed it hits the 4 on the river! Agree that if you play properly you have a good edge over these bad players, but you do have to avoid a lot of out draws. Still there's always next time as they say.
This is the keyword in a tourney like this... Have only been all in once, had QQ and hoped for some muppet to call, and I doubled up... Not even AK makes me go all in in these kind of tournies... AVOID risking anything until you KNOW that you have a good hand!!
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

Guilty as charged :eyes. Worked last night. Got home, registered, went to bed. Have just got up and left with 120 chips. My QJ beaten by Q6 on the river :lol. Out in 272th :tongue2.
Well played Heniek :clap :clap :clap :rollin :rollin :rollin See GaF... another one who gets loads of points without playing ;) Hmmmmmmm
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October** 60 points - not exactly 90 ;) 60 points x 5 will give someone 300 - nowhere near worthwhile!!!! Doesn't that just give a good "baseline"? If you can't beat sitouts (over a month) then your game is worse than doing nothing!!!!

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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

60 points - not exactly 90 ;) 60 points x 5 will give someone 300 - nowhere near worthwhile!!!! Doesn't that just give a good "baseline"? If you can't beat sitouts (over a month) then your game is worse than doing nothing!!!!
I don't think that is the point at all to be honest... I think the point is that we shouldnt be able to sit out and get loads of points... Just my opinion ;)
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

60 points - not exactly 90 ;) 60 points x 5 will give someone 300 - nowhere near worthwhile!!!! Doesn't that just give a good "baseline"? If you can't beat sitouts (over a month) then your game is worse than doing nothing!!!!
Last week was 86 I believe ;)
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October** Was going to play in the Omaha freeroll on Noble, downloaded the software but when I tried to register an account it told me I can't have one because I'm already registered on the IPoker network! Well thats true but I'm registered on serveral IPoker sites and it never mattered before so I emailed their helpdesk and got this reply:

Dear Chris, Thank you for choosing Noble Poker. Hi! I’m Reih from the Support Team and I’m glad to be of service. Our network’s policy allows for only one single account per player within our iPoker network. This was implemented during the latter part of September. Thus, you will not be able to create a new account if you already have an account in another poker room that is a part of our network. We feel that this policy is necessary for maintaining a healthy network environment and especially in keeping with recent changes and events in the online poker industry as a whole. Please follow the below link for a list of all the poker rooms in our network: http://www1.ipoker.com/Cardrooms/area-5.html. We understand this policy may cause some inconvenience to you and for that we apologize, however we must abide by network policy. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated. With any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Noble Poker Support Team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Best Regards, Reih
So I won't be playing:sad
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

Sitouts will sometimes have 9 lives on their blinds ... that doesn't mean you can get that total every week!!!!
You wanna take this outside??? :dude :lol Still in by the way :nana :nana :nana 115 left... Can't believe HOW much skill this tourney takes :eek :eek :eek
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

Madness !!!! So iPoker are happy if I have 10 sites on my machine for it to be 1 iPoker site and 9 Prima sites rather than 5 Prima and 5 iPoker????
It appears so. I've replied pointing this out but don't expect anything other than the usual platitudes in response. I honestly can't understand how this makes any sense from a business perspective either for the network or the individual sites:\ EDIT: What makes it even worse is that I've already got 3 IPoker accounts anyway. Even if this does have some sensible purpose the words Horse, bolted and stable door spring to mind:lol
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October** I tried getting on Noble but they said my alias of PLDodger was already taken...so this is obviously MY account, I asked for password and they sent email which I didn't get! I think that I was swarmed with emails from Noble when I took up some bogus offer a while back and blocked the sender...can't be bothered with it now so I'll give 'em a miss I think. Finished just in the money on Betway...much needed points methinks!

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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October** Out of the Betway in 69th Was sitting with 10k when pene came in with PL CHAAAAAARGE and the ver next hand lost 7k. My KK all in lost to trip 10's :lol . 2 hands later my 5 5 went down to A 10. I can agree with both sides of the debate but I find if you pick your moments and pay more attention to the way people are betting you can get through the crap. :ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

Out of the Betway in 69th Was sitting with 10k when pene came in with PL CHAAAAAARGE and the ver next hand lost 7k. My KK all in lost to trip 10's :lol . 2 hands later my 5 5 went down to A 10. I can agree with both sides of the debate but I find if you pick your moments and pay more attention to the way people are betting you can get through the crap. :ok
Sorry honey :$ :$ GaF and I have just been told off by chat manager: "Don't spam the chatbox or your chat will be suspended :spank " It's the multiple a's :$
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Re: **Poker Saturday 21st October**

GaF and I have just been told off by chat manager: "Don't spam the chatbox or your chat will be suspended :spank " It's the multiple a's :$
Lol - yeah - He will let us get away with PL CHAARGE and PL PAARTY, but it seems PL CHAAARGE and PL PAAARTY are considered SPAM :tongue2
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