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Fao Teazz


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Re: Fao Teazz Thanks for letting me know about this Morl. I wondered why I couldn't access Full Tilt. I have just posted a reply on the Hendon site giving my side of the story. I couldn't believe that Hochberg folded at the time and just assumed he must have hit the wrong button, which he is now saying he did in his post. At the time I was hoping for him to call as I had pocket aces, which I am sure Full Tilt will be able to verify. I just hope nobody thinks I had anything to do with any wrong doings as I am completely innocent and disturbed that anybody could think I would do anything like chip dumping. It's just not my style.

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Re: Fao Teazz Nice one mate :ok Didn't think you had anything to do with it, but the hand looked so strange, it did make me wonder. I'm sure Full Tilt will investigate it thoroughly though, and any possible relationship between the 2 of you (and rightly so) - when they give you your access back, I'd say it's totally conclusive you weren't involved :ok

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Re: Fao Teazz

Thanks for letting me know about this Morl. I wondered why I couldn't access Full Tilt. I have just posted a reply on the Hendon site giving my side of the story. I couldn't believe that Hochberg folded at the time and just assumed he must have hit the wrong button' date=' which he is now saying he did in his post. At the time I was hoping for him to call as I had pocket aces, which I am sure Full Tilt will be able to verify. I just hope nobody thinks I had anything to do with any wrong doings as I am completely innocent and disturbed that anybody could think I would do anything like chip dumping. It's just not my style.[/quote'] No probs mate, hope its all sorted for you, just thought u should know before anyone started any accusations:ok
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Re: Fao Teazz

At the time I was hoping for him to call as I had pocket aces' date=' which I am sure Full Tilt will be able to verify.[/quote'] I don't think for a minute that you were involved in anything underhand, and I hope they sort this out quickly. But ... when your opponent is getting 100/1 pot odds pre-flop, then you shouldn't be hoping for him to call, even when you have pocket aces. :D
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Re: Fao Teazz

I don't think for a minute that you were involved in anything underhand, and I hope they sort this out quickly. But ... when your opponent is getting 100/1 pot odds pre-flop, then you shouldn't be hoping for him to call, even when you have pocket aces. :D
Fair comment. I was just trying to get all his chips in the middle and thought he had until it came up that I had won the hand. He folded almost instantanly after my last raise. I would also be happy for my opponent to have those odds every time in the same situation no matter what my hand. The reason being that I think the game should be played fairly no matter what. And him not calling just put suspicion on me, and believe me I felt terrible guilt for something I never did at the time and I still do now. I would rather lose the hand than have my name dragged through the mud. So yes, have them odds every time and keep the game looking straight.
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