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Billionth hand promotion!


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Re: Billionth hand promotion!

ONE BILLION HANDS DreamPoker in association with PrimaPoker will soon be celebrating its BILLIONTH hand!

And we’re celebrating it in style by rewarding ALL the players in that hand with amazing cash AND non-cash prizes! Yes all the players involved in the hand, regardless of placement, will be eligible for our massive giveaways. Master your skills at a World Poker Tournament (WPT) Bootcamp, play with the pro’s at the beautiful Bellagio Hotel in Vegas, gain free entry into $250K tourneys… the list goes on!

But that’s not all, we’re also giving away these awesome prizes to all the players of 3 other hands – lucky numbers 985,000,000 ; 990,000,000 and 995,000,000!

We’ll also enter the players from the above hands AND any players in the 10 hands before and after the key hands, into a $35,000 Freeroll! So in terms of key hand 990,000,000 any players dealt cards in hand 989,999,990 to hand 990,000,010 will qualify for the Freeroll!

And with 1.6 million hands being dealt each day, those key hands will be popping up sooner than you think. So don’t get caught out, play more and who knows – you could be walking away with one of those great prizes!

Breakdown of Prizes:

All raked hands will be counted from October 2

nd along with the total number of raked hands individual players play. Players will then be slotted into specific “Tiers” relating to the total number of raked hands they have accumulated. The Tiers are as follows:

LevelTotal raked hands:

Tier 1

1 - 10

Tier 2

11 - 99

Tier 3

100 - 999

Tier 4

1,000 - 9,999

Tier 5


All winning players receive a combination of cash prizes and non-cash prizes:

Cash prizes

Hand Number


Other players (total amount split between all other players dealt cards in the winning hand)










Non-cash prizes

Should a player take part in a key hand, their non-cash prize will depend on the Tier they occupy (as described above). So say a player wins the 995,000,000th hand and has only played 6 raked hands, they fall into Tier 1 meaning that they take their winnings, an extra $5,000 (cash prize), gain entry into the $250k guaranteed tournament (non-cash prize) and the $35,000 Freeroll.

Terms & Conditions

  • Each winning hand must be dealt on a real ring/cash game table and a flop must be seen. If this criteria is not met then the prizes get awarded to the next consecutive hand number that meets the criteria. E.g. if hand 995,000,000 is dealt and the criteria is not met, the prizes will be allocated to the cash game table dealt the hand number closest to (and greater than) 995,000,000.

  • Raked hands will be counted from October 2nd.

  • Due to the fact that we are not able to predict when and where the key hands will be dealt (date, time and table) formal acknowledgement of the winning hand being played, and confirmation of the non-cash prizes will take place after the event, and will be in accordance with this criteria. The cash prizes will be awarded immediately.

  • Guaranteed tournament prize entry will be at the mutual agreement of all the parties involved, and will only be issued to the winning player. No alternates will be accepted and no changes will be made after the said agreement has been reached.

  • The $35,000 Freeroll takes place approximately 2 weeks after the dealing of the billionth hand. The time of the event is dependant on the time zone occupied by the majority of the players.

  • Winning players will only receive one entry into the $35,000 Freeroll.

  • No cash alternatives will be offered in place of tournament entries.

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Re: Billionth hand promotion!

The 995,000,000th Hand! no luck :sad

The winner of the 995,000,000 hand will win an instant $5,000 cash! Every other player dealt cards in this lucky hand will split a further $5,000 cash between them! In addition to the above instant cash prizes everyone dealt cards in the lucky hand is eligible for more fantastic prizes. The winner of the lucky hand will be eligible for one of the following:

  • Level 5 Winner Player Prize - WPT Boot Camp Package.
  • Level 4 Winner Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a WEEK! + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 3 Winner Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a day + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament + Entry into the Aussie Millions Weekly Final.
  • Level 2 Winner Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a day + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 1 Winner Player Prize - Free entry into the $250,000 Guaranteed Tournament.
All other players dealt cards in the lucky hand will be eligible for one of the following prizes:
  • Level 5 player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a WEEK! + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 4 Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a day + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 3 Player Prize - Free entry into the $250,000 & $125,000 Guarantee Tournaments + Entry into the Aussie Millions Weekly Final.
  • Level 2 Player Prize - Free entry into the $250,000 Guaranteed Tournament.
  • Level 1 Player Prize - Free entry into the $125,000 Guaranteed Tournament.

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Re: Billionth hand promotion!

The 1,000,000,000th Hand!

The winner of the 1,000,000,000 hand will win an instant $10,000 cash! Every other player dealt cards in this lucky hand will split a further $10,000cash between them! In addition to the above instant cash prizes everyone dealt cards in the lucky hand is eligible for more fantastic prizes. The winner of the Billionth Hand will be eligible for one of the following:

  • Level 5 Winner Player Prize - WPT Bellagio Package.
  • Level 4 Winner Player Prize - Aussie Millions Package.
  • Level 3 Winner Player Prize - WPT Boot Camp Package.
  • Level 2 Winner Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a WEEK! + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 1 Winner Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a day + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
All other players dealt cards in the lucky hand will be eligible for one of the following prizes:
  • Level 5 player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a WEEK! + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 4 Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a WEEK! + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 3 Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a day + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 2 Player Prize - Free entry into all Guaranteed tournaments for a day + Entry into the $250,000 Guarantee Tournament.
  • Level 1 Player Prize - Free entry into the $250,000 Guaranteed Tournament

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Re: Billionth hand promotion! Bugga :( :( Missed $35k freeroll by 2 hands: ** Game ID 994999988 starting - 2006-10-19 23:30:26 ** Shenti [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - toms123 sitting in seat 1 with $60.00 - MrTricky sitting in seat 3 with $6.30 - Sir_Snutt sitting in seat 4 with $67.55 - Herkulez sitting in seat 5 with $21.50 - Drico sitting in seat 6 with $17.62 [Dealer]

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Re: Billionth hand promotion! Hadn't seen this. I was in the Dream freeroll tonight so just checked my hand history. ** Game ID 995000026 starting - 2006-10-19 23:29:25 ** DirtyDozenQualifier[618788]:Table 8 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money I folded pre-flop, so glad I was 16 away!

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Re: Billionth hand promotion!

Hadn't seen this. I was in the Dream freeroll tonight so just checked my hand history. ** Game ID 995000026 starting - 2006-10-19 23:29:25 ** DirtyDozenQualifier[618788]:Table 8 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money I folded pre-flop, so glad I was 16 away!
Tournaments don`t count... Criteria for each winning hand is that it must be dealt on a real cash / ring game table, and a flop is seen. (If this criteria isn't met, the prizes will be awarded to the next consecutive hand number where the criteria is met. E.g. If the 1 billionth hand is dealt in a tournament, we will allocated the prizes to the cash game table that is dealt the hand number closest to (and greater than) 1,000,000,000) GL :hope
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