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Dome here i come!


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Hey all A while ago (well, back in July) I came 2nd in an Inside Edge tournament for the Mansion Poker Dome. One of our fellow Pl'ers won it (indeed that's why I'm a member here now) and unfortunately could not attend the Dome itself because he and his wife were blessed with a baby at that time. Mansion kept my name on file for coming 2nd and over a month ago sent me an email congratulating me that I would be going to the Poker Dome in Vegas as an alternate. I didn't have a passport and so booked an 8am appointment the next morning at the passport office and thankfully, £95 lighter I had one in my mits by midday. Anyway, passport in hand I then got an email from them telling me that the episode I'm an alternate on has been brought forward for the holidays and they have to send me out there for an extra night. Oh darnit lol. So anyway, once that's all done and my flights are sorted I then get yet another email from them telling me that someone has dropped out and now I have to play!!! Hurrah!!! I fly out Friday. Any tips please those of you who have been to the Dome or those of you have been on televised tourneys etc? Anything muchly appreciated! Vic x

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Re: Dome here i come! I went to to dome earlier this year as an alternate but did not play. If you want to stay in Vegas for a few more days you can change your flight tickets without cost but have to find your own hotel, I did not realise before I went or I would have done.

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Re: Dome here i come! Wow, nice one vix. :clap I thoroughly enjoyed my Dome experience and I'm sure you will too. The suite in Caesers was awesome and everybody was really helpful and friendly. The only downside is there is quite a lot of waiting around at 'rehearsal' and you don't get much time to yourself but like Hedonist says if you are able to extend your stay (i see you've already got an extra night :ok ) then all the better. The actual game itself is a bit of a lottery cos you only start with 25 BB's. But get a decent start and anything could happen. Have an excellent time. :nana And best of luck. :hope

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Re: Dome here i come! Hey guys I just wanted to write and thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and good wishes. I'm back from Vegas now and had an absolute ball. Oh ... and I won! Wooooot!!!! $25,000 and a seat to the next round. I fly back to Vegas in 5 weeks or so to play for $50,000! Can't wait! Thanks again Vic x P.S PL CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!!

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