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I'm a world class backgammon player :P


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Wow - I'm dead chuffed!!! I just played a 1 point match on JavaFIBS (and entirely "fun" site - no money involved). I then imported my game history into GNU Backgammon for analysis (this seems a great way of improving your game for anyone interested :ok). Anyway, the annotation for each hand (not showing) didn't question any of my plays and the net result was that it classified me as a "World Class" player :nana :cow :nana :cow Ok don't worry - I'm not delusional - I KNOW I'm not that good - but I'm dead chuffed to have managed one "near" perfect game without any serious blunders. worldclassku7.jpg This would be an ideal site for the PL Backgammon league, however you need to have Java installed and it's not necessarily the most user friendly - but may switch it to WorldGammon.com instead of PartyGammon, so that we can play for free......

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