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How To Beat 7,499 People.....


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Well last night shortly after TQM lost in his tourney the NFL match I was interested in had just started. I was playing in a couple of STT's on Poker Stars and fancied an MTT... I looked in the lobby and lo and behold there was a freeroll. I thought that would do me perfectly, as when my game finished I could go all in and go to bed. My team lost :(, although my bet won ;) and I was doing quite well in this Fixed Limit tourney, so I stayed with it..... pointlessmb0.jpg I managed to finish 102nd, for absolutely naff all! :lol :lol :lol :$ :$ :$ Off to bed now......

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Re: How To Beat 7,499 People..... :clap :clap well done Andy... dedication :ok But it is sooo hard losing on purpose :loon I once tried that in the $ 20 mtt on Sporting Odds, and I was off to a girlfriend for saturday night... I played like a complete muppet because I really had to go... well... 3 hours later I won the tourney...:eyes

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Re: How To Beat 7,499 People..... Dedication?. Nope. That's what I call masochism!!. Still impressive to get past that lot, especially for nowt.:clap :clap Always wanted to get some free money into PokerStars, but the fact you have to qualify from circa 8000 for 27 spots, and then go into a $1000 with another God knows how many have always put me off!!!. Think I prefer outlasting 999 others for $23 on a Betfred Freeroll, like I did last night.:cow :nana :cow Morl, hope you used my chips wisely in the SO Safety Net, but it was definitely worth my while concentrating on the Betfred game!!!

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