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**Poker Saturday 14th October**


**Poker Saturday 14th October**  

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    • 09:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 11:00 Betway Happy Saturday
    • 13:00 William Hill Freeroll
    • 15:00 Dream Dirty Dozen Qualifier
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 20:00 Holdempoker Rat Pack
    • 20:00 APAT
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000
    • 20:00 HoldemPoker Lucky Dollar
    • 21:00 Party Poker Monster $100,000 Weekly Final

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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th October** I've actually played this really badly - let a few hands go and ended up just being blinded away - not looking forward to hearing what they have to say....... Every time I needed/wanted to make a move, there was action before me and I backed out :sad

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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th October**

if you are there gaf? you are tight as a ducks ****:tongue2
lol - yes - but I think most of the decisions I made were good (i.e. I let hands go when the flop beat me)...... THe only thing I did that they criticised was letting the AK go ....... with a large raise and reraise before me - I figured at least one of them had a pair and so I was behind!! In the event they had AQ and KQ so I would have been ahead...... would they have said it was a bad fold if they couldn't see the cards (and that I was ahead)??? I figured I would rather be in a pot where I was first in, rather than calling 2 all ins (effectively) - however, as it turns out, I didn't get any chances to be first in - every opportunity I hoped for, there was someone in the pot before me :sad
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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th October** I watched this last night - most interesting! You didn't do much wrong though apart from being too tight and were waiting for the good cards to materialise! Was this your normal game or did you tighten up knowing you were on the telly? There wasn't much surprises with your play GaF - once or twice I was screaming at you to raise but you were having none of it! :wall I'd have liked to see you put in a re-raise somewhere just to let the others know you were still 'alive' - most of the time the other players will fold thinking you have a 'monster' and if they don't, well at least you know they've got a hand. Anyway, well done and I've got plenty of notes on you now! :ok TQM

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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th October** Hehe - cheers m8 :ok Which hands did you feel I should have raised with? Would be interested to know. What do people think of the AK fold - everyone agree it was wrong? Is on now if anyone's watching ;) Have to be honest - I didn't expect the blinds to increase quite as fast as they did - each level time seemed to be shorter than the last :unsure

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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th October**

I think you played that right' date=' [/quote'] ty - do you think the presenters sometimes get swayed by seeing all the cards? They look at it and see I had the best hand, see I fold it and say it was a mistake? Lets turn the original question around - who would have called?
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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th October** I think they are swayed, I mean raise then re-raise in early position is going to make you think monster hand and you are only sitting on an A high really. I would have folded all day long, unless I've got my stupid head on.

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