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Re: Ouch!!

I feel horrible, but I just accidentally pressed the all in button on a cash game and raised the BB by 500%. I had K7 (didnt know that at the time) and got called by JJ. K on the flop and I doubled up on the first hand! Looked like the worlds biggest fish!!:loon
Nice one :ok Hope you didn't apologise/tell them it was an accident - there could have been a lot of advantages to them thinking you were "the worlds biggest fish" ;)
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Re: Ouch!! serves him right for calling with JJ - he must have thought at least you might have had AA-QQ why risk your entire BR PF with JJ? bonkers Damo

I feel horrible, but I just accidentally pressed the all in button on a cash game and raised the BB by 500%. I had K7 (didnt know that at the time) and got called by JJ. K on the flop and I doubled up on the first hand! Looked like the worlds biggest fish!!:loon
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