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PL Poker Doubles Through!


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On behalf of PR, Gaf?, Staffy, Pocket Lady it gives me great pleasure to annouce PL's latest poker mods... plpokercrewbn1.jpg (although Avongirl noticed last night ;)) As the poker forum has blossomed under Gaf?'s guidance into the force it is today it was only a matter of time that we would need more moderators. The fact that we now have four more means that we are able to take PL poker forum onwards and upwards. So, congratulations, Gazza, Guesswest, Pene, and Jaded! :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: PL Poker Doubles Through! Two quotes from the any decent free poker spreadsheets thread

Alan - You've given me Pocket Lady's trouble. I've got to clean up the PC now. You're priceless mate "anybody got a speadsheet? O fook I haven't got any spreadsheet software". I laughed so much I s**t I self.
Errr - Col - I don't have that trouble.:tongue2
and now
I laughed so much that a little bit of wee came out! :$ :rollin:rollin:rollin
Hehe. Ooooops, She Who Will Be Obeyed says she gives you full permission to give me a really stingy slap at Worcester. ;)
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