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How well can you read your opponents from betting Patterns? Part 1 of 10


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Re: How well can you read your opponents from betting Patterns? Part 1 of 10

How bad am I then... :unsure My reply is not even mentioned ... :$ I might aswell give up poker...
Well you didn't give any percentages, so there wasn't a lot I could do with it :unsure If it makes you feel better though, I can confirm that you didn't mention 44 at all :tongue2
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Re: How well can you read your opponents from betting Patterns? Part 1 of 10

I'm obviously being completely thick but I can't find the answer.
Post 2 - you need to highligh it though (have made it difficult to read so that people who still want to try don't accidently see the answer.....
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Re: How well can you read your opponents from betting Patterns? Part 1 of 10

Answer and leaderboard in Post 2
Don't mean to be a pain in the arse here :) but...there's no way of determining who is 'right' here, not based on 10 hands anyway. All we know is what the player actually had. So someone could correctly say based on the betting that there's a 80% chance he has 55, and he doesn't - it doesn't mean the 80% observation was wrong, it might just be the 1 time in 5. You'd need to do hundreds of these before you'd start to have an idea who was judging it right.
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Re: How well can you read your opponents from betting Patterns? Part 1 of 10 Agree guess :ok This is never going to be a definitive list of who reads their opponents the best - it's very artificial - the main objective isn't really that anyway - that's just a little "competitive" element to try and make it more interesting. The real objective of the thread is to try "training people" (especially me) to replay a hand in their heads and see what information they can glean from that ..... I suspect most of us are "lazy" in that department.... There may also be people here who genuinely don't know that it is a good idea to try and put your opponents on a range of hands - they may just put their opponent on one possible hand or none at all (isn't that supposed to be the biggest weakness of "fish"? That they only consider their cards and not their opponents?)

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