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Picture This...


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Re: Picture This...

I really do want pics of all of you on your computers by the way. Makes the difference when I'm playing you muppets :rollin
See this is why all drunks should be banned after a certain hour of night, can't even behave myself :spank
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Guest gazza271

Re: Picture This...

have u done a slight pee pee there gaza? what was it 72o :loon
nah mate, just well worn where I'm always scratching me nuts ;)
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Re: Picture This...

Did I ask for a thread of the blokes on PL hanging about women with as much flesh on show as possible? :unsure
Leilani was very demurely dressed!! Oh, and that is one of my poker faces, that's the 'sod the tournament, I'd rather stay exactly where I am thank you very much!!!' face.:D
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