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What's the best hand you've thrown away?


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Lets see how far this can go - they say that the mark of a good player is being able to dump a good hand (obviously when behind) - so how big a hand have you thrown away??? Where possible, post Hand Histories please!!!! Obviously Holdem only ;)

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? Last night in Betfair Poker Player GP in 1st 20 mins of play i saw a monster lay down which i thought was bad play.....gaf u can decide lol Blinds 25/50 sb and bb in pot both 2500 ish in chips sb calls bb bb raises 200 sb calls flop Qd 10d 9d sb bets 200 bb re-raises 800 sb re-raises all in bb folds bb then turns over Kd Jc for a str8 and shakes his head in disbeleif that he folded it....what would you have done?

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? threw away queens the other night, blinds about 400/800 I had about 5k and roughly 5 places away from the money ( I made it) utg raised all in next seat reraised all in button called putting him all in everyone else folded when the cards were turnedover, in order A8s, AKs & Ks so I quite pleased I had chucked away, until a Q came on the flop - doh

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? Last night in the PL League game I had AA first hand of the night. One caller to my large pre flop raise and the flop came down with 2 King's. After 2 check calls, my opponent went all in after the river. I had to fold. He never showed. Interestingly tonight I play the very first hand for my wife in the SO Monthly 50 up club game. I got dealt KK. Again one caller (although my pre flop raise wasn't as big). The flop came down with 9910. After the river he went all in. This time I called and he turned over 910. Flopped a full house and she was out of the tournament first hand and last. Oops.

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? I've thrown away aces preflop because I dont want to be all in in a 4 way pot. I've thrown away full houses because they arent the nut full house it all depends on the stage of the game. So there you are I'm the easiest player to bluff on the forum. Just dont try it in a freeroll.

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? I do have to retype - so the quick version :) I folded a Q high straight flush in Omaha once. Knowing the player as I did and with the circumstances as they were there was just no way he had anything else. And he did show. I've made plenty bad/cowardly folds too tho. Being able to lay big hands is only a good thing if you're laying them as a result of applying logic, as opposed to having some kind of random anxiety attack or being scared of playing a big pot.

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away?

Absolutely Barmy lay down IMO!!!! Did the other player show?
no the other guy didnt show, and the guy that layed it down went on and bubbled in the tourney, finishing 9th! i cant beleive he folded, as the only hand that could have beaten him at that stage would have been the ace high flush....
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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? I have, on one occasion, thrown away a bottom ended straight flush:eek had 7s 8s Board came out 9s 10s Qs Turn Blank River Js Can't remember the betting, but do remember his large all in on the river gave it away, so I knew he had the King, and was proved right when he showed Ks As!!! In the end we both finished on the final table.:) Also thrown away what would have been a royal, but as that was 10 3 o/s and before the flop, I ain't counting that one!!

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away?

i cant believe he folded' date=' as the only hand that could have beaten him at that stage would have been the ace high flush....[/quote'] For the sake of discussion, I don't think the laydown was idiotic... You could easily put the sb on Ax d. After the (intimidating) flop, a slow play 200 bet, reraised to all-in says nut flush to me (or even str8 flush). Even if he had a Q high flush, with six diamonds in play, drawing another diamond for all your chips is less than appetising.
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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? have thrown aces pre flop in satellites. i remember throwing them in the last 35 in one of the sun games for the poker nations cup, i was in about 5th position when a similar stack to mine raised heavily in front of me ,with the top 30 going thru it was a pretty easy fold. other than that however i never fold aces or ks pre flop ,but post flop i will with a really bad board.

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away?

For the sake of discussion, I don't think the laydown was idiotic... You could easily put the sb on Ax d. After the (intimidating) flop, a slow play 200 bet, reraised to all-in says nut flush to me (or even str8 flush). Even if he had a Q high flush, with six diamonds in play, drawing another diamond for all your chips is less than appetising.
Yes he MAY have the nut flush - he may also have trips? 2 pair? a lower than nut flush? (beating you but you have the K to draw to) Ad without another diamond? a lower straight? Or less - he may be one of the many players who over defend their BB to the SB......
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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? i threw away a full house playing on the site that has gone bust earlier this year when i convinced myself that the other player had a better pocket pair than me,as it was he only had a straight:wall :wall :wall by the way it was on the bubble and i was determined to hit the money

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Re: What's the best hand you've thrown away? I threw away a full house (Aces over Kings) playing 3 tourneys at once after I'd forced the other guy to go all-in leaving me about 200 to call and clicked on fold getting back to the table- I taught myself some new words that night - even the cat blushed.

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