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Laddies Poker Million on SkySports2 now


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Re: Laddies Poker Million on SkySports2 now Yeah. It's the daddy of the 'Rounders' format but only because of the huge prize money on offer for the poor blind structures of it's 6-seater SNG winner goes on format ('Late Night Poker Ace' is shite but only because it's amateurs and not pros. It's lost a fair amount of the spirit that made the original LNP such a hit.). I'm trying to make torrents for the entire series but I lost my ability to handle anything too technical a long while ago. :$ I was impressed by Ram Vaswani's play last week as much as you can be. Austin Healey was a card rack and that Norwegian fella this week didn't play too badly. The semi-finals this time around will be live on December 13th/14th so there should be betting opportunities abound such as 'who will qualify for the final?', 'who will win the heat?', 'who will have the most chips when three are left?', 'who'll be first knocked out?' and a whole variety of others. The final's live on Friday 15th December. What a stressful Christmas it'll be for 12 people! :eek :lol

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Laddies Poker Million on SkySports2 now It's been great, watched all of it on both evenings. The trouble with Live Poker is that you have to watch all the crap hands as well..... lol. Some good play and some questionable play. The laydown of the pocket jacks first hand was a weird one. Great tv though. Will deffo be watching the final tonight.

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Re: Laddies Poker Million on SkySports2 now I wish they'd keep the pertinent info permanently on screen - chip stacks and blinds (and cards during the hand :loon) .......... I'm half watching it, and to be honest have no idea how much time (their M) they have!!!!! :loon

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Re: Laddies Poker Million on SkySports2 now Not a bad final. Not as spectacular for TV as last year's where you had someone's pocket aces cracked at least twice! :lol :rollin I should have had a bet on Rajesh Modha but I thought he was going to get unlucky but yesterday night, the stars were aligned for him and almost everything went his way...his heads-up play was great but he did have the cards after he bluffed with a minimum re-raise on a J66 flop.

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