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**Poker Sunday 1st October**


**Poker Sunday 1st October**  

  1. 1.

    • 13:00 William Hill £500
    • 16:30 Betfair Mega Freeroll 2
    • 18:00 Dream Poker $5000 Freeroll
    • 18:00 Europoker Fishtank
    • 18:30 Stans Poker $2500 Sunday Roast
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Champions League
    • 20:30 Virgin V Points
    • 20:30 Mansion Inside Edge Poker God
    • 21:15 Mansion PokerDome Weekly Final

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October** GaF I was going to play in tonights champion league game but forgot to vote for it :$ Cant see it listed either :unsure

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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October**

chatinfo.gifPlease wait for a site operator to respond. Your chat should be answered within 2 seconds. Thank you for your patience. chatinfo.gifHello, my name is Bruno Christopher. How may I help you today? Diane Dawson: I am waiting to play on the Champions League but it's not in the lobby Diane Dawson: should be on at 20.00 Bruno Christopher: One moment Diane Dawson: spoke to boss support who said they are waiting to hear from you Bruno Christopher: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you. Bruno Christopher: May i have your poker nickname Diane Dawson: DAN DAN Bruno Christopher: We don't have a champions league tonight Diane Dawson: but it's advertised on your web site Bruno Christopher: Once again, I apologize for the delay. I will be with you in a moment. Diane Dawson: ok Bruno Christopher: Thank you for waiting. I will be right with you. Bruno Christopher: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you. Bruno Christopher: Once again, I apologize for the delay. I will be with you in a moment. Bruno Christopher: Thank you for waiting. I will be right with you. Bruno Christopher: Once again, I apologize for the delay. I will be with you in a moment. Diane Dawson: what is happening? Bruno Christopher: Apologies Bruno Christopher: We had a technical issue just there Bruno Christopher: Unfortunately we do not have access to the poker room customer service. Please email [email protected] with your full name and email address and they will assist you with your query. Diane Dawson: ok Diane Dawson: never mind
Waited about 1/2 hr for that. Muppets :spank
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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October**

chatinfo.gifPlease wait for a site operator to respond. Your chat should be answered within 2 seconds. Thank you for your patience. chatinfo.gifHello, my name is Bruno Christopher. How may I help you today? Mike Saban: Hello Bruno Bruno Christopher: Hello Mike my old china, whats up mate Mike Saban: trying to register for Champs League but its not in the lobby Bruno Christopher: Yeah we've been expecting you. Mike Saban: why ? Bruno Christopher: an email has gone round from head office that we've got to stop playing practical jokes, and messing with the cards and let you win fair and square Diane Dawson: really !!!! ? Bruno Christopher: straight up, honest guv Mike Saban: how come the games not in the lobby then Bruno Christopher: The computer thinks we're taking the p*ss, and had already worked out that your Aces were going to get cracked by J6o.Everytime we try and program it not to mess with your cards, we keep getting the error messgae " computer says no" Mike Saban: oh great Bruno Christopher: I'm sorry Mike, but youve got to feel for Brenda on phone 6. Mike Saban: why's that ? Bruno Christopher: its ruined her night,she only comes in to watch you lose your rag in the chat box Mike Saban: Poor Brenda Bruno Christopher: Mike - can you do me a favour on Tuesday Mike Saban: go on Bruno Christopher: Ive got a bet on that your trip kings will lose to quad 3s, can you make sure you go all in after making trips on the flop, the 3s will win after turn and river Mike Saban: see you Bruno Bruno Christopher: see you Mike, take care sunshine
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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October**

Mike Saban: trying to register for Champs League but its not in the lobby Bruno Christopher: Yeah we've been expecting you. Diane Dawson: really !!!! ? Bruno Christopher: straight up, honest guv
awww mike......so good except 1 error:lol
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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October** bloody hell :@:@:@ damn unlucky for you m8 . i hate all in arses especially when you bulit some decent stack after a long time and they duly obliged to fcuk u up :@:@:@

And I was out at about 21:32 :puke I limped with QQ cos the BB is an all in arse. He duly obliged and I called. He shows KJsooooooooooooted. and hits runner runner spades. :clap Good man! :eyes
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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October**

And I was out at about 21:32 :puke I limped with QQ cos the BB is an all in arse. He duly obliged and I called. He shows KJsooooooooooooted. and hits runner runner spades. :clap Good man! :eyes
Muppetry of the highest order, place is full of them!! I had a similar exit in the 25k guaranteed, 81st :wall QQ all in against 77, river :cry :cheers
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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October** out 15th from 70 players in mansion pokerdome final,thanks all for the support:clap :clap :clap :clap you really are a very special community... lets hope this never changes....i dont know of any other forum like this one and a big ty goes to paul and all the mods for their very hard work:ok :ok :ok :ok :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October** Turned into a late night for me - currently 3rd out of 4 in PokerGod freeroll ..... finished 3rd - $100 and some points :nana :nana - would have liked 2nd or 1st but my A5s lost to ATs in my final hand - so fair result I suppose..... and my profit for the year has just exceeded $5000 :ok :ok , which considering I've virtually only been playing freerolls (cos of asthma and back problems) since start of July is a miracle....

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