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PL Backgammon Tourney


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pgm_180706_468x60_ppartners.gif Download HERE Is Backgammon the next big thing? GammonNightLive will start on Pokerzone in early October - think the game may be about to take off. If you play at PartyGammon, you may use your existing PartyPoker account - no need for a new ACCOUNT :ok I vaguelly know how to play Backgammon - but THINK the real skill is in using the doubling cube? Will do some research and try and learn!! Anyone fancy descending en masse on a Tournament? Play Money if one is available, if not then a small buy in .... (I've downloaded the software, but not got my head around how it works yet......) - EDIT Freeroll tournament at 11:30 AM on Saturday morning :ok But going to get some practice in first ;)
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Re: PL Backgammon Tourney I played a lot of backgammon at university, though I think we were all addicted to "fancy" plays (the backgammon equivalent of check-raising) and I'm not sure we were that good. Since then, computers have got into backgammon, and my impression is that they are a lot better than human players were, and the insights from computer simulations have completely transformed the game, so I expect knowledgeable players now are far better than anybody was in those days. Especially in the use of the doubling cube. Backgammon anecdote: I was playing for money (trivial amounts: 5p a point or something like that) against a very clever but intense American graduate student called Peter. An even cleverer but completely mad born-again Christian called Charles was watching us, and eventually realized we were playing for money, and started to tell us this was wrong. I ignored him, but Peter, being the intense sort, started to argue with him. Peter: Why is it wrong? Charles: Gambling is wrong. Peter: Who is it hurting? Charles: Gambling is wrong. Peter: We can both afford it. Why is it any of your business? Charles: Gambling is wrong. Peter: That's ridiculous! We're not hurting anybody! We're not hurting each other! How can it be wrong? At this point, Charles unleashed the killer blow. Charles: Never mind, Peter. Jesus loves you. Peter's head explodes.

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Re: PL Backgammon Tourney

Well hopefully Voice of Joe will play, seeing as it was his idea. http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35495 I have a backgammon set somewhere, so I must have known how to play at some time, but I certainly can't remember a single thing about it now. :(
Eeek - never saw that post :$ How have I been missing so many posts recently? In my defence, it wasn't a total rip off - I raised it in the Mods forum on Thursday (Honest!!!) But anyway VoJ - I think it's a cracking idea :ok :lol :lol (though maybe not as a focus game.....) - but maybe we can get some PL games going :ok
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Re: PL Backgammon Tourney If it's been cracked by computers, then I wouldn't fancy playing much for money as it would be overrun by bots - but certainly fancy giving it a go :ok They seem to have a skill rating (ELO style by the looks of it) - start at 1500 and adjusted after each game - so no hiding place.......

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Re: PL Backgammon Tourney

If it's been cracked by computers' date=' then I wouldn't fancy playing much for money as it would be overrun by bots [/quote'] I don't know that computers are better than (the best) humans, at least in real time. It's just that I believe the use of computers has significantly changed the game since I played. But I don't know that much about computer backgammon.
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Re: PL Backgammon Tourney Yes - you're right slapdash :ok I'm just playing an 8 seat SnG - seems to work the same way as the HU tourneys ..... my first opponent hasn't turned up - so I'm into the last 4 and waiting for the others to finish...........

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