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Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final


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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final Nothing in the mag, nothing on the Betfair microsite and nothing on PokerPlayer site - don't think it's been announced yet ;) Only clue - in Freeroll 10 Report it says "next month" so will be in October some time (the prize is for November, so you probably knew that) Is in London too.......

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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final was some talk on my table on Monday that final was to be 4th October but also talk that was a Saturday which obviously doesn't add up hoping to scrape in as was 20th before Monday and had only dropped 2 places after not scoring in the last one either (apart from the 5 points for turning up) :ok

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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final Many congratulations on your qualification for the second “Poker Player Grand Prix Grand Final”. Your endeavours over the past 4 months have now earned you the chance to fight it out with 49 other poker players, including the likes of Poker player editor, Dave Woods and Rick “The Rage” Dacey in our live final in London.

The prize pool for this FREE Grand Final, a massive $13,000 - with the overall winner taking home an $8,000 package to the >Betfair Asian Poker Tour in Singapore this November!!!

If you were lucky enough to be there last year then you will know what an exceptional evening it turned out to be – just ask the Poker Player gang who eventually staggered out of the gaming room in a euphoric (if not slightly inebriated) mood, having cheered their boss, Dave “K_Unknown” Woods to the title!

There’s a change of venue this time around but it already promises to be even bigger and better!


VENUE: “Big Slick Poker Room” in Purley / Croydon (easy over ground train access from LondonBridge and LondonVictoria) http://www.bigslick.co.uk

DATE: Wednesday October 4th - 6.30pm arrival for 7.00pm tournament start

PRIZE POOL (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): 1st – BAPT Package worth $8,000

2nd - $2,000

3rd - $1,200

4th - $800

5th - $500

6th - $300

7th - $100

8th - $50

FOOD AND DRINK: Provided at the venue – Yes, there is a bar tab!

FRIENDS / SPOUSE: A maximum of one guest per person please. Name to be submitted with confirmation.

EXPENSES: There will be an allowance for travel and accommodation, capped at £100 per player. Expenses will be refunded to your Betfair account on the provision that receipts are provided either at the event, or posted to Betfair c/o Kate Wright.

(We recommend the Hilton in Croydon for accommodation as it is both reputable and in close proximity to Big Slick.)

OTHER: Side STT and cash games available – there will also be merchandise to be won and more exciting stuff to look forward to on the night!

In order for us to finalise numbers as soon as possible, please get back to me as soon as possible to confirm (or decline) this invitation.

IMPORTANT: You must reply by Thursday 28th September or you risk forfeiting your seat.

Once again, many congratulations on your qualification and I very much look forward to seeing you on the 4th October for the final.

So it's

Slick Mick at the Big Slick :nana :nana :nana

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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final We can beat that - got home at 6am and back in work at 9. (well, one of us anyway - but I had to take him!) Don't know the final result as we left at 2.00 for the 4hr drive home, and still 5 left at the final table. 2 were PP players so effectively down to 3 for the money/seat. Runadrum was the last PL man standing though, going out in 16th. :cow Good to meet up with Stevie-P, Washman, SlickMick and Will for the first time, and of course Morls and MC again. Great night, plenty food (always important to me), we broke the bar tab (not me!), some good side games (me and MC both bubbled :eyes but of course Morls won some money) and some good information gathering. ;)

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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final Great Night again, does AK suited ever win a race? Nice seeing everyone again, runadrum and avongirl, MCFC (jack dee) washman, stevie-p +mate and slickmick thanks for takin me mate, and sorry for out lasting you lol, just got home now and am nackered Cheers to Rick and Dave who managed to get me in the game and for the t-shirts too. Great night lads and email me if your up here for a pint Shock of the night was seeing a goalpoker employee at the free bar....and then laughing when i found out they had gone under and worse still was on the STT when MCFC had trip aces on the flop and i hit a str8 calling his all in with my 86o haha Cheers all for another great night,

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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final Really enjoyed this and at least I didn't self-destruct this time. Again good to meet PL faces old and new :ok Will put longer version on my blog but disappointed in the end with 16th as effectively lost in two hands to the same guy - he made a 9 high straight on the river after being all-in pre-flop with 69c to beat my AQh, and then another straight but J high on the turn with AJ v my 55. :eyes More amusing was an earlier hand when I lost track of where the dealer button was and I thought the dealer wanted my 800 BB so I gave it to him. I'd started not looking at my cards if I was the BB so I didn't, and next thing I know the real BB has gone all-in presumably spurred by my flat call ! So now I'm cursing myself for wasting 800 of my 3500 chips and expecting to see 35os when I see I've got 77, make the call and double up to 7400 ! :ok

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Re: Betfair Pokekplayer Grand Final only just arrived home!!! it was a great night and a pleasure to meet up with all the punters lounge crew.a lot of drink must of been taken as the bar tab was empty by about 11pm:( too wrecked to write about it all. very tight play and a poor structure meant i played very loose and had up and down chip stacks, highest was around 5000. went out calling an all in with 8/8 and was up against 6/4s an 8 on the flop but 2 running cards put an end to my stack. made a stand with ace rag and no help vs 88 and finally out. great club and staff and all at poker mag seemed sound too. had agreat night and look forward to meetinf some of you in belfast in december

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