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**Poker Wednesday 20th September**


**Poker Wednesday 20th September**  

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    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 18:30 Nordicbet $1500
    • 19:30 Sporting Odds Midland Masters Freeroll
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:30 Poker4Ever 10 Rake Points $1000 Freeroll
    • 21:00 Sporting Odds PL MTT $ Challenge
    • 22:15 Mansion $3000 BB Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 20th September** was really enjoying the game tonight on so , then got moved onto oultons table, great , this guy was going all in every hand with dirt, 85, 74 etc , and he kept hitting, and to add to the fun , his side kick stanley35 turned up in the chat box encouraging him. good luck to all left in , ya gonna need it with that donkey playing

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 20th September** Dumped out of S-Odds in 25th, when Rednutt calls my All-In re-raise. I show AKs vs Rednutt AJo... :) King on the Flop- I've made 2 pair ..... :) Turn is a miss ....:) ... but what's this ... :unsure ... a Queen on the River ?? .. Oh, and didn't we have a 10 on the flop as well ?? :eyes ... Rednutt makes a Ace High Strait !! :sad Ah well .... Good Luck to all PL'ers left in , and Rednutt make sure you go and win it now !! :ok

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 20th September** For what it's worth (which I admit may not be a lot because I have not experienced his bad side) what I saw of Oulton tonight was someone not reacting to the sniping directed at him, who got lucky on a couple of hands against me for which he apologised both times, and then just continued to ride his luck - of which he had lots and if you keep winning it's hard to change tactics. I was going to say he treated the tournament like a freeroll but in a way the 50p challenge is worse than a freeroll as most have more value than a first prize of a tenner. The added value in this tournament is restricted to PL (and I forget whether the tournament existed before that value was built in ?) and I'm not sure we can expect everyone to treat it with the same reverence. Now Stanley35 is a different matter - the guy is clearly an idiot and, again only from what I saw, for the most part Oulton seemed to ignore his incitement. :unsure

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 20th September**

how late can a late entry be ? the poll was closed when i tried
Yeah sorry mate :sad I show some flexibility up to 1 hour into the tourney (depending on Football results ;) but not guaranteed ..... Basically the poll is closed as soon after the start as I take the list of entrants ..... Whilst it may sound mean to refuse you your points tonight, having a cut off makes the admin a lot more straightforward and one exception won't change that, but all of the other exceptions I would have to make do make a difference. It applies to everyone - I see Mr V missed out on points tonight. Pene and Paul Ross (2nd IIRC) missed some good scores last week, Hedonist missed out on score that would have made him BPP ........but I have to stick with the cut off, otherwise people dont bother voting unless they are doing well and it really does make the admin so much worse..... I would LIKE to get to the point where there is no flexibility at all (not even in the first hour), but not sure I'll get there (though I'm trying ;) )........ SO the short answer to your question - a vote has to be in before the tourney starts to be sure of counting.......
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 20th September**

Yeah - we didn't see the worst of him tonight - but I assure you he wasn't chat banned on Sunday and Tuesday for nothing ;)
I didn't see what Oulton said to get chat banned, but I believe it was pretty bad, and I'm quite sure the ban was fully deserved. But his style of play is another matter. In my opinion, we don't do ourselves any favours by criticizing the way he plays and telling him he's being lucky. I'm sure it really made his day yesterday to know that his play was irritating us. He's played in a similar way (frequent all-ins) in the later stages of CL games when I've come across him. If he wants to play that way, he's perfectly entitled to, and I think we have to recognize that he's done quite well with it. I actually think he does it more intelligently than it appears at first. Of course, I can't be sure, since we don't see what he has every time he goes all-in, but I think that when he has a large stack, he goes all-in with rubbish a lot more often when he's not up against a large stack that can do him real damage, but usually has some kind of a hand when he might be called by another big stack. So he projects the image that he's randomly going all-in with anything, but when it really matters he has a better hand.
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