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poker tournaments getting worse???


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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? I agree totally. I´m not a particularly good player but I think now I´m past the freeroll stage. I played at 1pm today and somebody went all-in EVERY hand. Not joking, got to the point that I was playing k7o allin knowing that I would beat the clown that just bet. 15 mins after the first break there was still people calling allin with rubbish. I´ve come to the conclusion that its not worth playing these games anymore, although they were probably a good place to learn.

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Re: poker tournaments getting worse???

. I think now I´m past the freeroll stage. .
That's what I have been saying for months.... I think EVERY poker player in here is past that stage... You get called by muppets all the time, and it will cost you a lot of grief and frustration...and poker will be less fun. Pay a few $ and get a decent game on!!!
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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? Think it depends, when and where you play, I've recently moved from the Boss to Tribeca network and find the standard much lower (Ker-ching!!), I also prefer the slower raise in blinds at Tribeca. I sat down to a 6 player STT last night, 3 players went all in first hand. AK, KK & 7-5 os. :loon Naturally with this being online Poker the guy holding 7-5 made his straight on the river and laughed at the other two and called them suckers. These players can destroy you on the turbo or speed tables, but on the slower tables, you can chill out and wait till you get the cards. Needless to say, Mr 7-5 off suit got his just deserts from me later and went out at the bubble.

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Re: poker tournaments getting worse???

I agree totally. I´m not a particularly good player but I think now I´m past the freeroll stage. I played at 1pm today and somebody went all-in EVERY hand. Not joking, got to the point that I was playing k7o allin knowing that I would beat the clown that just bet. 15 mins after the first break there was still people calling allin with rubbish. I´ve come to the conclusion that its not worth playing these games anymore, although they were probably a good place to learn.
I always play freerolls really loose early on...i'm either out straight away or i get a real chance of making a prize. Either way it didn't cost me. All depends on what the prize fund is really! Not knocking them though as they gave me my funds which started me off in the 1st place.
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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? exactly - you have improved whilst the wombles haven't (or are new so they don't know any better) That why i can't play them anymore - its a 3 hour grind just to make the money for $10 or so - tho if you are a new player then flippin well play them, just for the experience if nothing else (the cash is a bonus) Damo

I'm not sure that the standard of play had deteriorated - I just think that as one becomes a better player (which hopefully happens every time you play)' date=' there become more worse players than yourself.[/quote']
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Re: poker tournaments getting worse???

I always play freerolls really loose early on...i'm either out straight away or i get a real chance of making a prize. Either way it didn't cost me. All depends on what the prize fund is really! Not knocking them though as they gave me my funds which started me off in the 1st place.
I think thats your answer there are a lot of people playin like that in the early stages because starting of with twice as many chips as every one else is a distinct advatage. I did it today at betfair because I had a pub to visit after an hour and I made enough chips to limp into the money in my absence. Wish I could have hung around and played proper poker after getting the breaks. I think this might be the way to play freerolls and I have seen a lot of guys do well in unlimited rebuy tourneys with the same approach.
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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? I agree that in the early stages of freerolls a lot of players go all in with anything, I find it is best to play passive until they have left unless I have a monster. In yesterdays Betway freeroll I was dealt A J suited first hand in late position, would have made a raise but 2 people went all in before me so I folded. One had Q 8 offsuit, the other J 9 offsuit!!! The queen hit a pair so I would have gone out if I had called.

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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? in my case i still play freerolls most of the time . Learning STT of late though . In both scenarios , i would just be patient and not play anything at the start . Its always good to look at what the tables are doing . If there's a maniac around , i'll let him have his way unless the blinds are blinding me out . Eventually , someone would come and bust him out sooner or later . Even if i have AK , AQ , AJ , i'll let him have his way and fold . Such an early stage of a tourney is not worth me playing this kind of hands and get sucked out by his much much poorer hands . Ultimately , your aim is to make the cash and with some lucks win it . So why would you risk your own tourney life and stubbornly challenge him/her ? Let those with the balls do it then . For me , most of the time i have the last laugh so its a strategy that worked for me at the moment .

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Re: poker tournaments getting worse???

For me ' date=' most of the time i have the last laugh so its a strategy that worked for me at the moment .[/quote'] Lets look at this again Newbie, you play tight and make a profit of $1000 a year in freerolls. The maniac plays like a maniac yet still wins $200 a year in freerolls. but the clever bit is were as it took you 1894 hours he made his in 153 hours. Perhaps he laughs at the rocks more than they laugh at him. Ive reached the point now were I would just as soon pay $5 to get in a tourney with a $1000 prize and 200 runners as pay nothing to get in the same prize fund with 600 runners. Freerolls just aint time productive if you play "proper poker". The maniac does know how to play proper poker he starts to do that when he has enough chips to do so.
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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? For me , i have not actually got into the habit of making a buy in into a MTT . I tried once , nearly made the money but not good enough . I'll still continue with the freerolls instead i feel . I only enter them when i have the time to play though . I know i'll venture into the buy in MTT sooner than later but for now , i'm beginning to have a grasp of the game . The good money finishes have really lifted my confidence that i can mix around and play . I agree that it kind of pisses you off when some fishes called AK raise with shit and got paid . But that's part of poker isn't it ? I used some funds to play STT though and was quite successful with it for the time being at least . Seeing that i can play quite well in STT , i went to play in rounders too as entry for first level is cheap compared to the $10+1 i'm playing now . I feel $10+1 at the moment is comfortable with me though i see some fishes around . I'll let them fish and i'll laugh at it when i finish 2nd (So far all my heads up all lost :@:@:@:@:@) . If thats how maniacs want to earn their cash , let them be then . I won't mind playing solid for long hours and win $$$$ . After all , i'm doing what i like to do . So its still not so bad .

Lets look at this again Newbie, you play tight and make a profit of $1000 a year in freerolls. The maniac plays like a maniac yet still wins $200 a year in freerolls. but the clever bit is were as it took you 1894 hours he made his in 153 hours. Perhaps he laughs at the rocks more than they laugh at him. Ive reached the point now were I would just as soon pay $5 to get in a tourney with a $1000 prize and 200 runners as pay nothing to get in the same prize fund with 600 runners. Freerolls just aint time productive if you play "proper poker". The maniac does know how to play proper poker he starts to do that when he has enough chips to do so.
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Re: poker tournaments getting worse??? There are different standards in freerolls. Some like the Betfair Grand Prix have a prize of $1000 with about 500 runners and are played at a good standard. Some like Betway may have a prize of $2000 wiht 1000 entries but the standard is terrible. I end up winning more cash at games like Betway than Betfair but I much prefer playing the better games.

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