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Hand Analysis


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Part 1 - Pre flop I played a live game last night and have analysised this hand in my head most of the night, particularly on the long journey home. I think I know where I went wrong but would appreciate your thoughts on it:ok The tournament is a £15 freezeout (largest buy in i've ever played for) and there are 11 players left, top 10 get paid - bubble time. 5 players left on the table and villian is small blind (4000) and I'm BB (8000). Both of us have between 50K and 60K of chips which is a decent size stack (probably top 2 chip stacks on the table but he has a few K more than me) Reads on Villian - he has raised in the past with 73o and shown his bluff and for the last 4 times around he has raised my BB. The time I reraised he folded. The table folds around to the SB and he raises to 2xBB. I have A4 clubs. OK what should I do?

  • Fold and get into the money (no one at our table is really short stacked, most have about 30-40K - not sure on the other table) before starting to play more agressively?
  • Call and see if the nut flush hits
  • Raise and assume he's stealing chips, if so how much?

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Hand Analysis he has rasied another 2BB - so its 16k out of 60k to call? if so, you cannot call, your options are fold or shove what would I do? dunno, tricky without knowing what the other players are like and how desperate they are - villian is playing well if he keeps raising and you keep folding - maybe you should do the same to someone else? At some point you ahve to take a stand against the villian - this might be good enough for me to make that stand and shove Damo

Part 1 - Pre flop I played a live game last night and have analysised this hand in my head most of the night, particularly on the long journey home. I think I know where I went wrong but would appreciate your thoughts on it:ok The tournament is a £15 freezeout (largest buy in i've ever played for) and there are 11 players left, top 10 get paid - bubble time. 5 players left on the table and villian is small blind (4000) and I'm BB (8000). Both of us have between 50K and 60K of chips which is a decent size stack (probably top 2 chip stacks on the table but he has a few K more than me) Reads on Villian - he has raised in the past with 73o and shown his bluff and for the last 4 times around he has raised my BB. The time I reraised he folded. The table folds around to the SB and he raises to 2xBB. I have A4 clubs. OK what should I do?
  • Fold and get into the money (no one at our table is really short stacked, most have about 30-40K - not sure on the other table) before starting to play more agressively?
  • Call and see if the nut flush hits
  • Raise and assume he's stealing chips, if so how much?

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Hand Analysis you sure? Hero has 10BB left and is a chip leader - there is no room for manevoure, its push or fold mode - and lets think about the cash - if he limps into 10th he will get his buy in back - the money is at the top 3, you need to be playing hands and taking chances There is no tidy sum - if he had 50 BB then yes fold and get in the cash first, but with 10BB you are not winning anything much Damo

''largest buy in i've ever played for'' This says it all really...definite fold for me. No good taking risks when on the bubble and there is a tidy sum at risk.
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Re: Hand Analysis Thanks for the analysis guys. What you have confirmed is my belief this morning that I made the wrong call. Part 2 - Post Flop I called it. The flop came down A 2 8 with one club, giving me top pair and both straight and flush possibilites (admittedly runner, runner ones). He checks. What should I have done next?

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Re: Hand Analysis For me personally, easy lay down preflop. The times I've finished well in big tourneys I've laid down all manner of monster hands when I didnt need to get involved - which is the case here. Youve got enough chips for a good few orbits more, why risk it. At best you may run into an ace with a higher kicker. It makes it worse when you know a player raises with anything, but why go up against him - pick on the small stacks. Your aim here is to play steady until you're down to 5 or so. A call is the worst play here - you're committing yourself to go with it. My thoughts anyway. My poker is defined by the hands I lay down, not the hands I play. That sounds quite profound - might make that my new favourite saying :rollin Mike

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Re: Hand Analysis

''largest buy in i've ever played for'' This says it all really...definite fold for me. No good taking risks when on the bubble and there is a tidy sum at risk.
Hmm. If I let the size of the buy in affect my play, I think that would be a sign that I was playing for too high a buy in.
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Thanks for the analysis guys. What you have confirmed is my belief this morning that I made the wrong call. Part 2 - Post Flop I called it. The flop came down A 2 8 with one club, giving me top pair and both straight and flush possibilites (admittedly runner, runner ones). He checks. What should I have done next?
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Re: Hand Analysis

Hmm. If I let the size of the buy in affect my play, I think that would be a sign that I was playing for too high a buy in.
I was comfortable with the level of buy in, I just wanted to give as much background information as possible to this thread. If the buy level is the highest I've played it stands to reason that the prize money is also likely to be the highest (with the exception of some of these made freerolls with thousands of entrants). If I had of let it affect my play I think I would have folded pre flop and just waited for someone else to go out. And yes MCFC I'm still going on about it - just be grateful you didn't accept a lift home with me :loon
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Re: Hand Analysis

:rollin :rollin :rollin Its okay DP... I'll post up my demise later as well. :tongue2 ;) Its alright for MCFC... he can get good advice at home (isn't that right James?). :dude
I forgot my demise :cheers and yes there was tales from grandpa this morning of James taking all his chips at Hold em then 5 card stud then omaha hi lo :loon
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Re: Hand Analysis

Good to hear you guys had a good time last night. :clap DP might not have taken me even if we had a babysitter, not with blackjack tables around. My balance in mansion is now gone thanks to blackjack!!:wall:wall:wall
I know how he feels Angel, I took Mrs MCFC and she blew my money on the roulette :(
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Re: Hand Analysis spot on - well played and what a womble for calling with 22!! at best he is a 55/45 fav muppet Damo

Sorry just realised that I've not finished this thread. I did shove. He called in an instant and I knew I was in trouble. He turned over a pair of 2's and, whilst I had a number of outs, none hit and I left the tournament on the bubble.:sad:sad
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