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**Poker Saturday 9th September**


**Poker Saturday 9th September**  

  1. 1.

    • 11:00 Betway Happy Saturday
    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 HoldemPoker $2500 Added Lucky Dollar
    • 20:00 Online Forum Challenge
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000 Freeroll
    • 20:30 Poker4Ever $1000 Freeroll
    • 21:00 PartyPoker Monster $100,000 Weekly Final
    • 22:00 Titan Poker NFL Launch Invitation Tourney

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Re: **Poker Saturday 9th September** Well........ BetHold em say that I should contact OFC, and OFC say that BetHold em won't let them add me to the list despite me registering. I am 100% certain that I gave my correct username, however my Pokerstars name and prima name are the same, and I think OFC gave them that one. The reason I am certain I gave the correct name is that I double checked which one they required before I registered. :\

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Re: **Poker Saturday 9th September**

Well........ BetHold em say that I should contact OFC, and OFC say that BetHold em won't let them add me to the list despite me registering. I am 100% certain that I gave my correct username, however my Pokerstars name and prima name are the same, and I think OFC gave them that one. The reason I am certain I gave the correct name is that I double checked which one they required before I registered. :\
I'm having the similar trouble Mr V, have emailed both parties and forwarded the registration note but no response so far, just get the "this is an invitional error messgae" Yes it is, glceud, you needed to preregister on the OFC site
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Re: **Poker Saturday 9th September**

gaf?,,cant find the titan nfl freeroll,you sure its on? any help much appreciated:ok
Yea, it's there! Just scroll down tourneys and look for it starting at 17:00 (10pm) then it gives you the option of using your token which you were given when you made your 1st deposit. I'm in!! TQM
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Saturday 9th September** woo hoo :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana got my internet connection back after 5 days off line :wall but working nights tonight and tomorrow :sad GL all tonight :hope

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Re: **Poker Saturday 9th September**

Im playin bet365 5000 free roll and betholem free roll for punters lounge but cant run both sogtware at same time! having to keep switching between them' date=' doing good so far! Good luck to ovalman hes away playing in england for betfair.[/quote'] What's your screenname on Betholdem? Doesn't seem to be gambler1983
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