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mansion pokergod


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Re: mansion pokergod Assume it will be like this very week from now on... I'm currently lying in 14th place overall, so i'm not certain if it benefits me or not. I have less than points for a weekly win so unless I improve thats another 7 going to have definitely higher scores than me ... unless a previous winner wins?? Also if non-uk residents win (aka the Americans who now seem to be in again now) - how will that effect the overall placings for final tourney, as according to rules they aren't eligible for the prize - (and they have to pay there own expenses to play in the final that they aren't eligible for the prizes for !!)

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Re: mansion pokergod

Assume it will be like this very week from now on... I'm currently lying in 14th place overall' date= so i'm not certain if it benefits me or not. I have less than points for a weekly win so unless I improve thats another 7 going to have definitely higher scores than me ... unless a previous winner wins?? Also if non-uk residents win (aka the Americans who now seem to be in again now) - how will that effect the overall placings for final tourney, as according to rules they aren't eligible for the prize - (and they have to pay there own expenses to play in the final that they aren't eligible for the prizes for !!)
This does benefit the ones in top 30... more people to share the points.
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Re: mansion pokergod

out 1st hand' date=' 5pts in the bag, not wasting 5 hrs in this anymore, they just change the rules when they feel like, meant for inside edge readers, and now the yanks get it emailed to em off mansion......[/quote'] I guess Mansion can do what they like when it is their tourney :unsure We don't have ownership... there are great prizes to win and a live tourney to go to... can't see what the fuss is all about!! EDIT: Actually we should be honoured that we got a head start...:ok
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Re: mansion pokergod the thing is mansion shouldnt be allowed to do what they like when inside edge have a password protected tourney through mansion to get people to buy their magazine,all it has turned out to be now is a crap shoot with over twice as many people in it now, plus the fact my ace flush got busted by full house by a total muppet who doesnt normally play in this:@ :@ i for one will be emailing inside edge to express my total disgust

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Re: mansion pokergod

I guess Mansion can do what they like when it is their tourney :unsure We don't have ownership... there are great prizes to win and a live tourney to go to... can't see what the fuss is all about!! EDIT: Actually we should be honoured that we got a head start...:ok
Sorry to disagree Pene, but Inside Edge are promoting this tournament as "exclusively for readers of this magazine" - exclusive should mean just that if that's how it's advertised - it clearly isn't, I think WE (Inside Edge readers) SHOULD "have ownership" of this tournament - that's what was promised!!!! EDIT I didn't bother entering tonight - there was too much else going on......
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Re: mansion pokergod

I guess Mansion can do what they like when it is their tourney :unsure We don't have ownership... there are great prizes to win and a live tourney to go to... can't see what the fuss is all about!! EDIT: Actually we should be honoured that we got a head start...:ok
Its an inside egde competition , so really you should have to be a reader.....mansion have just gone and invited anyone into it that they wanted Kinda like a pl game where someone leaks the password, we dont like it.
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Re: mansion pokergod

out 1st hand' date=' 5pts in the bag, not wasting 5 hrs in this anymore, they just change the rules when they feel like, meant for inside edge readers, and now the yanks get it emailed to em off mansion......[/quote'] Beginning to feel the same way... the thought of battling my way through 509 players until 2/3 in the morning does fcuk all for me... real bugga too 'coz I had high hopes of qualifying.
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Re: mansion pokergod i have emailed guy sneesby, who is the managing director of inside edge uk,a letter of complaint and hopefully he will explain what has happened and this is what i got I am no longer working for Dennis Publishing full time but continue to consult for the company on an occasional basis. I will be picking up email for the next couple of weeks. Please bear with me if I am slow to respond. If your message is urgent or personal, you can reach me at: [email protected] or on 07766 196070. Otherwise, please redirect your message to [email protected] (020 7907 6299) Regards, Guy Sneesby

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Re: mansion pokergod

Yeah, I see your point now, that was what what promised... I take it back :$ But then Inside Edge must have something to do with it... surely they will loose subscribers over this, no???
id have thought so, i certainly wont be subscribing again, just get passwords in whsmith or via Msn
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Re: mansion pokergod

id have thought so' date=' i certainly wont be subscribing again, just get passwords in whsmith or via Msn[/quote'] Well, I don't get it just for the passwords, so it wont impact my subscription - at £1.99 for 12 issues (less than 17p per issue!!!!) I dont think you can argue with the value......
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Re: mansion pokergod Hi all If anyone has specific problems/questions/gripes then feel free to email me at the address in the magazine's letters page rather than Guy. Obviously as it's Sunday night I'm not in the office, but I will double check on the situation tomorrow and get back to you. As far as I am aware the email should only have gone out to previous participants in the freerolls - and therefore magazine readers. I know, I know, but we can't assume they are lying to us! I think it's a little strong to be talking of boycotting the magazine. The pokergod competition would not exist without InsideEdge and neither would your chance to win $1000s for absolutely nothing. Also these five freerolls are still only a fraction of the total number and the number of entrants is still plenty low enough for it not to be a total crapshoot. It's an added extra for our readers and I hope you agree you still get a lot of useful and entertaining articles for your £2.50 in addition to the freerolls. And you should definitely expect to see more big competitions in upcoming issues. Feel free to email any comments to me as I don't have as much time as I'd like to check in on the forums. Cheers Alun Alun Bowden Editor InsideEdge

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Re: mansion pokergod thankyou alun,i have already sent email to pete wooten but you have pretty much answered the questions,,would still be nice if you can confirm what exactly has happened..:ok still think it wrong to email everyone but that is my opinion rightly or wrongly

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Re: mansion pokergod If you can send that email to me I would appreciate it, as Pete doesn't have any direct involvement with the PokerGod competition so he'll be coming at it a from a standing start. I don't totally disagree with you mate, but efforts were made to ensure the email was sent to mag readers. I didn't play in this week's tournament (as I was on a train when it began) but I wouldn't totally discount the possibility that the email just jogged people's memories. That said, if we've made a cock up then I will hold my hands up as mistakes do happen. But I hope you'll agree you get your money's worth from the mag. Just ask GaF how good value the BAPT freeroll was!! :notworthy Cheers Alun

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Re: mansion pokergod

Hi all If anyone has specific problems/questions/gripes then feel free to email me at the address in the magazine's letters page rather than Guy. Obviously as it's Sunday night I'm not in the office, but I will double check on the situation tomorrow and get back to you. As far as I am aware the email should only have gone out to previous participants in the freerolls - and therefore magazine readers. I know, I know, but we can't assume they are lying to us! I think it's a little strong to be talking of boycotting the magazine. The pokergod competition would not exist without InsideEdge and neither would your chance to win $1000s for absolutely nothing. Also these five freerolls are still only a fraction of the total number and the number of entrants is still plenty low enough for it not to be a total crapshoot. It's an added extra for our readers and I hope you agree you still get a lot of useful and entertaining articles for your £2.50 in addition to the freerolls. And you should definitely expect to see more big competitions in upcoming issues. Feel free to email any comments to me as I don't have as much time as I'd like to check in on the forums. Cheers Alun Alun Bowden Editor InsideEdge
Alan, i think the numbers speak for themselves, 280 ish when the password changed, to 500+ when the email was sent. once the passwords get put on forums, websites and people telling their mates, this number will only increase, you just have to sit on a mansion mtt to see numerous people asking for the password and more often than not, they get it eventually. the reason i wont be re-subscibing is cos i have 3 subs to poker mags, dont need any more, certainly not a boycott:ok
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Re: mansion pokergod

Just ask GaF how good value the BAPT freeroll was!! :notworthy
Certainly no arguments there from me Alun :ok You suggest this has been sent out to all previous entrants - We know that in the early days of PokerGod, there were a large number of (ineligible) Americans playing in it and that the password was widely available through the chat boxes on Mansion (I used to see it here before receiving the mag through the post). This appeared to be largely clamped down on and the passwords made less easy to guess. I would be interested whether all of these players, as previous entrants would have been sent the password by Mansion? Regardless, surely it is in Inside Edge interest that the password is only available through the physical copy of the mag? Whilst people MAY just go into WH Smith and look for it, a large number will probably buy the mag too..... I suggested in an earlier post that it would be good to have occasional subscriber only value added tourney's - this is good for us as it restricts entry (and makes it easy for you to verify eligibility), but I would suggest that it would be good for you too in encouraging subscriptions (and help "convert" casual readers to regular readers). Is this something you would be able to consider? And thanks for coming in here, reading our posts and responding directly - it's appreciated :ok
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Re: mansion pokergod getting very tight for the last few positions for qualifying,managed to finish 13th last night which has put me back in top 50 just 50 points away from 36th..... not any easier with twice as many playing again last night and some of them even admitting they blagged the passwords,,yanks in it as well

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