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mansion pokergod


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Re: Mansion PokerGod noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! i bubbled 28th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn was 30 left b4 hand started i was 28th but my bb and only just 1 bb left of chips 3 players me kj flop 10 10 7....check....check...check turn k i go all in guy calls j10 nooooooooooooooo then when i look at table 3 people went out if i didnt i woulda got top 27 probably aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghghghghghghgh:wall :wall :wall :wall

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Re: Mansion PokerGod I was out about 54th. Had a good start and then about an hour with no cards at all. The ante and the blinds were eating me up and ended up chucking it all in on a middle pair. I found the play to be quite tight after the initial 30mins of madness. i quite enjoyed it but wouldnt have minded a picture card now and again!

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Re: Mansion PokerGod do you remember the 10 8 then? guy min raises (to 60) with 10 8o from ep - the BB shoves for his 1200 chips and muppet calls with his 10 8 - and beats the BB shove of AK when an 8 hits it was at this point that i decided to play ULTRA tight, coz everyone seemed to be in every hand hey ho Damo

OI!! I was on your table early doors :loon
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Re: Mansion PokerGod

do you remember the 10 8 then? guy min raises (to 60) with 10 8o from ep - the BB shoves for his 1200 chips and muppet calls with his 10 8 - and beats the BB shove of AK when an 8 hits it was at this point that i decided to play ULTRA tight, coz everyone seemed to be in every hand hey ho Damo
Sure do mate what about the guy who flat called with KK I raised in LP 4 x BB with AQ and when it came back round he went all in. I'm thinking 'flat call - all in' must have crap taking a chance and hes sat there with kings :wall
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Re: Mansion PokerGod I am sure it was the same fella y'know made a note of him for future reference everyine (present company excepted) seemed LAAG to me for the 1st two levels, calling all sorts of wierd bets with nowt but Q high (as i discovered when I bluffed at a pot.....:eyes ) Damo

Sure do mate what about the guy who flat called with KK I raised in LP 4 x BB with AQ and when it came back round he went all in. I'm thinking 'flat call - all in' must have crap taking a chance and hes sat there with kings :wall
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Re: Mansion PokerGod

The way the folks at my table were talking I think i was the only there not to have a WSOP bracelet :sad
lolololololol:lol my table was the same ..pity the play didnt reflect the air of experience as i found out when the sb called my 4timer with k/2os and continued calling flop and turn of a/j/2/x/x. eventually i bluffed my chips into a guy who has the nuts with a full house. think i had 9 high and felt a bit dopey:(
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Re: Mansion PokerGod Just gone out of this in 34th. Major connection problems at one point and sat out quite abit. Probably helped! I can see Brael and Runadrum still in, probably others but not sure of Mansion names. Top 27 needed for big points so 2 to go. :hope

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gazza271

Re: mansion pokergod 3/9/6

It never asked me for a password ??
I think it remembers that you have been in previous games and already entered the password, didnt ask me either :ok
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