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Party Poker


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Ever since I joined this forum Party Poker seems to have had a lot of negativity around it, and I am intrigued to find out why. Personally I like it - you get some really bad players, never have any trouble getting a game and I show a regular profit. I don't know what the rake is - so I can't really comment on cash games - as I play mainly STT's. So why is it so bad??

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Re: Party Poker PartyPoker have some seriously questionable policies with regards to "seizing" funds and/or Party Points if you dont play x games with them over y months...... They have a reputation for having the poorest quality of games out there - however I struggle to beat the game there - whether cash or STT's - my experience is that there are gulfs in the quality of player at somewhere like Boss Media compared to Party (Boss having the worse players) - I suspect my style of play is just not suited to Party......... Having said all that - the added value on the Monster series is just so huge, it really does baffle me as to why more PL'rs aren't giving it a bash!!!

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Re: Party Poker I think Party Poker requires a different poker head to most sites. It's a lot more manic (if that's the right word) than most sites, and you are going to get called a hell of a lot. I play turbo games on there mainly, which only amplifies the madness - but it is quite easy to play against - as long as you are selective. The downside to that is you can't "play" much poker on there, but I can live with that if I'm making money :) . Personally I have had no problems financially with them (easy to get money in and out) - although I must say their customer service wasn't great when I had a disconnect problem a few weeks ago. But I do honestly think that there are a lot of PL'ers who could make a lot of money on there - as long as you avoid the 20% fee in the $5 games, and play $10 games or more.

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Re: Party Poker Well, I've tried. I don't consider myself to be a bad low limit cash game and small stake sng player and every now and then...i think to myself, I'll give Party a go. I don't know what it is, cloud, but I just can't win money on that site. I either lose their sngs or I sit there for hours in possibly the tightest cash games I've ever seen. One thing that really annoys me is one can't see the total number of players seeing a flop when selecting a tourney. Anyway - for whatever reason, I just can't do it.

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Re: Party Poker

I either lose their sngs or I sit there for hours in possibly the tightest cash games I've ever seen.
That's generally my experience too - my game is based around patience - which seems to work most places except Party ...... I have started trying to get a few STT's in early morning when I'm fresh and the Americans are tired/drunk which enables me to eeek out a small profit (but not as profitable as elsewhere) ....... but at other times I'm unprofitable there...... A $5 STT at Party seems significantly tighter to me than a $5 game on Boss........
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Re: Party Poker Have to agree with GaF and Pokerose... I saw / experienced some wild swings on Party - played in both the tightest and loosest games in a period of one week some months ago, long before I knew Punters Lounge existed,where I made a couple of cashes, and was also nowhere near sniffing the dough... The only things that I have really got out of Party are two books - Super System 2 and Sklansky's Theory of Poker (Neither of which I made much headway in) , as I bought Matthew Hilger's book (Internet Texas Hold Em ?), joined his forum, and got the books just by opening a Party Poker account through Hilger's forum, with no deposit requirement at all....Bargain ! :loon My favourite site at the moment is VC Poker - Heck, if I can win there, any PLer can :nana

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Re: Party Poker About Party Poker, and other sites like Boss - I've got a question - do you encounter big swings in, let's say, luck in getting good starting hands? I mean, I refreshed my Party account few weeks ago and was doing really good showing significant (at least for me;) ) profit. I was playing tight, trying not to make stupid moves etc and it seemed to work. But during the last few days I just can't get a single winning hand, sometimes sitting there couple of hours. And it's not I'm sitting and waiting for pocket aces or sthing but 70% (or more) of my starting hands are like 2 9o 4 7o etc. And IF i get a decent hand and whats more catch i.e. a str8, i'm beaten by 4 of a kind what even more pisses me off. In act of desperacy :lol I started to write down all hands I get and out of 30 (I know it can be too small sample) I won 2, one uncalled and one by high card :( . This is just lack of luck, I can't explain it in another way, it can't be bad play because I don't even get a chance to play my hands.

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Re: Party Poker Yes - short term swings in "luck" (otherwise called variance) is absolutely normal and an essential part of poker :ok It can last a seemingly impossible amount of time, but these swings are totally normal and happen to us all. If "bad luck" goes beyond what we would consider the "short term", then it is almost certainly not bad luck but a flaw in the way you are playing and you should reevaluate your approach to poker...... Certainly, " a few days" definitely falls within the "short run".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Party Poker I'm having a real struggle on Party at the moment - have lost all confidence that I can "beat" the game there (as well as having lost my bankroll)...... Of my last 15 x $10 + $1 STT's, I have cashed in just one and that was a third!!! Of my last 14 x $11 Monster STT's, I haven't won one (though slightly better than the STTs, I have 4 x 3rd and 2 x 2nd)...... :sad

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Re: Party Poker

Of my last 15 x $10 + $1 STT's, I have cashed in just one and that was a third!!!
An average player (i.e., one who expected to place 30% of the time), playing 15 STT's, would have zero or one places just over 3.5% of the time. For a break-even player who expects to place 33% of the time to cover the rake, it would be just over 2% of the time. For a player who expects to make 10% ROI after rake, it would be about 1% of the time. I'm not saying you've necessarily just had bad luck, but it's not beyond the bounds of possibility. More likely is that half way through your bad run you felt things were going badly and let it affect how you played?
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Re: Party Poker I genuinely don't feel that I have let my play be affected. I also don't feel I've been exceptionally "unlucky". As you know I'm sure - I HATE bad beat stories, and I don't feel bad beats affect me much (compared to most) - I look to the long run, not single hands!!!!! It is absolutely possible (probable!!) that the way I'm playing the games now, I'm not good enough to beat these games at Party - in fact that is the conclusion I have come to!! I do play 4 games at a time, so that may be a big part of the problem. Mainly though I think that the "style of play" I've developed (and works successfully) at Boss sites works there, but isn't good enough/the right style to beat Party - if I want to be successful at Party I think I will have to reevaluate the way I play (starting by playing a single table at a time and see what happens :cry)

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Re: Party Poker

I also don't feel I've been exceptionally "unlucky".
I think it can be quite hard to judge when you've been unlucky. There are just so many aspects to luck, apart from the bad beats: How many good hands do you get? What position are you in when you get them? What cards do other players get when you get a good hand? Are the better players at the table unlucky? Etc., etc., etc. I haven't played that many STTs on SpOdds, but I've been playing quite a few on Party recently (though I'm only breaking even so far, roughly, so I'd take my advice with a pinch of salt!) My impression is that more of the muppets on Party are "loose passive" muppets, rather than the "all-in muppets" you seem to get on SpOdds. You seem to get an awful lot more players limping in pre-flop and making minimum raises post-flop (maybe because there are lots of US players who grew up with limit poker). Not quite sure what this implies about how you should adjust your tactics, but I'm sure it means something!
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Re: Party Poker Hmmm ...... my game is very much about tight (over tight) aggressive (over aggressive) - it works on Boss as I get paid off with my big hands - I just don't seem to get paid off in the same way on Party, and end up being "blinded away" ....... Need to be a bit looser I suspect (just play tight :lol) - however that's when things start to go wrong for me!!!!

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Re: Party Poker I play a lot of small stakes limit holdem cah tables(bonus tart) and party is the only site I cant beat. The players there must be really special if I cant win at $0.50/$1.00 fixed limit holdem. On the other hand my paranoid explanation might be more correct- I think its fixed.

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Re: Party Poker I'm looking for a new poker site just now, I've had it with Boss the bonus is just too hard to clear at $10 for each $35 of rake. I was giving serious thought to Party poker. I've played on Virgin with $200 bankroll for 3 months, playing $5.00 + 5c stt's, after 600 games I'm dead even, but have generated $300 in rake for the site. My criteria is low entry fee on the STT's, the 10% at Boss has ruined my profits, are there sites out there with a lower percentage ?? and an easy way of clearing a deposit bonus on STT's the $35 for $10 on Boss sucks Any suggestions ??

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Re: Party Poker Tribeca gives points at all buy ins - a $10 + $1 STT generates 100 Paddy Points (or whatever the skin calls it). I ASSUME a $5 + 50c STT generates 50 Paddy Points. I don't know what the bonuses are like, but may be worth investigating :ok. Just had a look - the PokerPlayer sign up for a new account (which will get you into a freeroll for Irish Open Package - and could be VERY low entry) will give you $101 if you clear 10,000 Paddy Points (that's 200 $5 STT's) - don't know if it's the best, but doesn't look bad to me :ok

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Re: Party Poker

Just had a look - the PokerPlayer sign up for a new account (which will get you into a freeroll for Irish Open Package - and could be VERY low entry) will give you $101 if you clear 10,000 Paddy Points (that's 200 $5 STT's) - don't know if it's the best, but doesn't look bad to me
I read that as meaning, 200 STT's at .50c fee turns into $100, a 100% rake back on the first deposit bonus. Exactly what I've been looking for
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