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Arse ! Feck ! Toss !...I hit a straight royal flush and....


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Didnt take a screenprint, cos I was so gob-smacked ! :wall:wall:wall It happened in Hand 7 of tourney 11351112 - a $5 sit and go on VC Poker... I contacted support and they are un-able to provide a screenprint of the straight royal.... I still went on to win the tourney though, my SIXTH win this week...:ok

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Re: Arse ! Feck ! Toss !...I hit a straight royal flush and.... Yes mate, thats what I did, but it just isnt the same, is it ? Congrats by the way :clap

I had a royal flush on betfred last week and I too was too gobsmacked to print screen. The best I could do was print screen when they had the cards appear in the chat box so I at least managed to save something from the feat.
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Re: Arse ! Feck ! Toss !...I hit a straight royal flush and.... Yo Rob,can I have a autograph please ? ;) On my keyboard, immediately next to the F12 function key, is a key that says "PrtSc", I press that, and an image of whats on my screen is captured, and then I paste the image in MS Word... On my old keyboards, I had to press "Alt - Ctrl - PrtScrn" together, but this keyboard is much simplerm just the one key to press....

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Re: Arse ! Feck ! Toss !...I hit a straight royal flush and.... Here you go Money, i asked yesterday This post will show you how to show the world your best performances on the poker table. 1) Make sure the window you wish to copy is highlighted as your active window. 2) Whilst pushing ALT, press the PRNT SCRN button. The image you wish to share is now stored in your clipboard. 3) Open Paint (or similar graphics program). For me, with Windows XP, this is under START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/PAINT. 4) Ensuring PAINT is your active window, whilst holding CTRL press V (this will paste your clipboard into Paint). 5) Select FILE/SAVE AS. 6) Browse to the location on your hard drive whereyou would like to save the image. 7) In FILE NAME: type the filename you would like to assign the image. 8) In SAVE AS TYPE, select the option JPEG (*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF). 9) Click on the SAVE button. 10) You may now close PAINT. 11) Open your Internet Browser and surf along to http://www.imageshack.us/. 12) Click on the BROWSE button and find the file of the image you just saved. Select it and then click the OPEN button. 13) Click on the HOST IT button. 14) Your image is now being uploaded......have patience 15) When the upload is finished, you will see a page with upto 8 links to your image on it. The top 3 are thumbnails, the bottom 5 are full size. You want the top link of the full size ones (so the 4th of the 8 links), which is entitled "Hotlink for forums (1)". 16) Highlight this link. 17) Copy it (CTRL and C). 18) Paste it (CTRL and V) into your thread on Punters Lounge 19) Voila.....Success.... Any questions or queries or errors - feel free to post here. :ok

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