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Bottom Set on Flop


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Shorthanded Prima rebuy, just been moved to this table and in 4 hands or so, only been one with any real action - jediflight going all-in preflop with 1500 or so, Jukkaa calling with AQ, A on flop for him but 7 on river for jedi. Don't like playing small pairs much, but decided to limp with 44 and this happened... what do I do now? ** Game ID 911102041 starting - 2006-08-26 08:49:11 ** $1,200 GUARANTEE[577300]:Table 16 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $5405.00 - petehall sitting in seat 2 with $2235.00 - GamblinGal sitting in seat 3 with $2180.00 - Jukkaa sitting in seat 4 with $7040.00 [Dealer] - jediflight sitting in seat 5 with $3915.00 - kawaking sitting in seat 6 with $5690.00 jediflight posted the small blind - $15.00 kawaking posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 4 of Spades, 4 of Clubs JadedJ called - $30.00 petehall folded GamblinGal called - $30.00 Jukkaa folded jediflight called - $30.00 kawaking checked ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts, 4 of Diamonds jediflight checked kawaking checked

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Re: Bottom Set on Flop You've hit your set, have to bet it hard....... Did you see the Devilfish on Poker Night Live? The one thing that I really remember from his interview - he wouldn't play something like 44 pre flop because of the fear of set over set (and knowing you can't get away from it) - he only wants to play hands that can potentially become the nuts...... I presume this is a bad beat story really? That there is either a bigger set or someone hits str8 or flush? Thats the danger of 44 - I play it if I can limp pre flop, but it's the chance you take with this hand.......

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Re: Bottom Set on Flop Yeah, you'll get paid either by someone holding an Ace or Q or even a straight draw. No worries about a flush draw, your in good shape. No cheap cards from me. Edit: Sorry, misread the flop, with the flush draw on board, its even more important to get paid. Hit heavy.

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Re: Bottom Set on Flop Not a bad beat GaF - I raised 240 post-flop, Gambling Gal went all-in, I called and she had AK - nice payout for me :) Was REALLY unsure what to do at the time tho, but I figured AA or QQ were begging to be slowplayed so worst case scenario was AQ. (Although it took me far too long to realise that she was sorta unlikely to have 44 and cancel the risk of splitting!)

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Re: Bottom Set on Flop with no raise PF I doubt someone has an Ace - they may be playing QJ etc, but I doubt an Ace (unless Ace rag) I would bet pot here and hope someone has something (except two diamonds) or thinks you are stealing! you may get somone calling for their draw if they are playing any 2 broadway I can't see you winning much here on that flop as there is not much in the pot to win Damo

Shorthanded Prima rebuy, just been moved to this table and in 4 hands or so, only been one with any real action - jediflight going all-in preflop with 1500 or so, Jukkaa calling with AQ, A on flop for him but 7 on
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Re: Bottom Set on Flop and now I have read the whole of the thread - GREAT result poor play to limp with AK after only limper and only the blinds to go through - make a pot raise at least - AK wants to be HU, not 4 handed :eyes nice result matey and I would never fold a set fearing an over set or 2 pair Damo

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