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StanJames Sunday Roast


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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast

Whats the number of entries usually around for this? Is it a BIG freeroll?
It usually has 100 raked hands requirement - so is quite low I think ...... For this weekend, I don't know what it will be - but I dont get the impression that Stan James have a huge user base - my best guess would be 1000 to 1500 :unsure
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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast Be late for the tourney and let them kill each other first before you step into the frame when there are less players ? :unsure:unsure:unsure But i have a feeling you'll tell me something along the lines of how many pocket aces would i actually fold during this period ?:lol:lol:lol:lol

It usually has 100 raked hands requirement - so is quite low I think ...... For this weekend, I don't know what it will be - but I dont get the impression that Stan James have a huge user base - my best guess would be 1000 to 1500 :unsure
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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast

Be late for the tourney and let them kill each other first before you step into the frame when there are less players ? :unsure:unsure:unsure But i have a feeling you'll tell me something along the lines of how many pocket aces would i actually fold during this period ?:lol:lol:lol:lol
even better play ultra tight till the blinds hit about 200 ,only play real premium hands(like aces ks ) but go hell for leather on them if your up against some of our muppet friends:) if you can beat the sitouts you'll be in the last 20%and you always have a chance as long as your still in;)
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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast Totally agree with Uber's strategy - I remember doing well in a couple of freerolls using this strategy, and crashing out of a couple of hundred when I got bored with it too quickly... Edit: Just registered and seen that it's a maximum of 6000 players, nearly $1 per player even if it fills - wow!! :) :) :)

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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast This play got me mega abuse in tonights Stan James Sunday Roast. Shame they dont show you the abuse in your hand history too. Begin Hand Number 913007830 at 06:29:47 on table Multi Table 27 Table Type: Multi Table Tournament Game Name: Texas Hold'em Stakes: $0.50/$1.00 Real Money Active Players: 10 Total Pot: $7,675.00 Rake: $0.00 Net Pot: $7,675.00 I get dealt 6c 9c SullDaBull has the dealer button effinriver posts small blind ($50.00) MATTAXA posts big blind ($100.00) vincentvango folds sitting out Gooner9 folds madmanmike1 folds sitting out naqqoxxh folds GoinFishing folds OrenPeretz folds carlwright folds sitting out SullDaBull raises for $200.00 effinriver folds sitting out MATTAXA raises for $400.00 SullDaBull calls for $300.00 Dealing Flop 8s, Kc, 7h MATTAXA bets $700.00 SullDaBull calls for $700.00 Dealing Turn 10c MATTAXA bets $1,000.00 SullDaBull raises for $2,000.00 MATTAXA went all-in for $2,175.00 SullDaBull went all-in for $612.50 MATTAXA receives returned betting money ($562.50) Dealing River 6s SullDaBull shows Straight, winning $7,675.00 Hand Ended at 06:31:06 - Elapsed Time: 79 seconds So yeah. I was on a steal pre-flop (or trying).... Any thoughts on how I played it? Got ripped by the guy.

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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast IMO you played this terribly from the start. 1st) If your going to steal you need to raise more then 2BB unless you've got a monster (in which case you want a call) 2nd) When you got re-raised you should have thrown it. 3rd) Although you've flopped a gutshot and outside flush draw his bet doesn't give you the odds to call by my reckoning you should have raised more pre-flop to steal, folded pre-flop after the re-raise and folded to the post flop bet. like I say just my opinion:ok

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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast

crap.....you were re raised and called with nothing' date='then you risked another 700 on a gutshot.got lucky sure but no wonder you got a mouthfull.....[/quote'] quite agree with croc on this one,,,had one similar on final table of fulltilt,,he was a chaser and got a right mouthful from me i can tell you,lost half my chips,,,,so you were lucky you werent playing a live table cos you would have had so chips up your :moon you wdnt walk properly for a year, :lol
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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast I quite agree. Just one of those hands I guess. Not really like me to go for the gutshot either. I was getting ready to get mad for playing like a dick until the 10 came out. I wont be making a habit of it thats for sure. Welcoming the feedback guys.

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Re: StanJames Sunday Roast

IMO you played this terribly from the start. 1st) If your going to steal you need to raise more then 2BB unless you've got a monster (in which case you want a call) 2nd) When you got re-raised you should have thrown it. 3rd) Although you've flopped a gutshot and outside flush draw his bet doesn't give you the odds to call by my reckoning you should have raised more pre-flop to steal, folded pre-flop after the re-raise and folded to the post flop bet. like I say just my opinion:ok
Whilst I still agree with Tax on point 1&2, unless I'm reading the cards wrong, you had an open ended strait draw after the flop 6,7,8,9.- Not a gutshot So once you'd made a bad decision before the flop - I think you made the correct decision after the flop 700 - to win 1700 pot + the implied odds of hitting a highly certain nut hand, and getting the rest of his chips - which you did. But then again I would have probaly never tried the steal in the first place with 6-9 (suited or unsuited) :(
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