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About Bloody time...My first win !


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And it makes my new record keeping look good, innit ! :nana PokerStars Tournament #30384235, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50 18 players Total Prize Pool: $90.00 Tournament started - 2006/08/21 - 11:50:22 (ET) Dear jeffster_uk, You finished the tournament in 1st place. A $36.00 award has been credited to your Real Money account. (Buy in was $5 + 0.50) Congratulations! Thank you for participating. Now watch me revert to type, and play crap again ! :rollin

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Re: About Bloody time...My first win ! Thanks Folks.... I hope that Pocket Lady is indeed correct...Now that the "Monkey is off my back", I hope wins become a regular occurence.... Now, as I am still on the dole, maybe I should turn "professional", and play STT's all day, and make money that way....OK, I'll shut up now ! :unsure:loon

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Re: About Bloody time...My first win ! Nice idea mate, but dont think the "regulars" would like it - Would eat in to their valuable drinking time - My JobCentre Plus office is smack bang opposite a pub, and its amazing the number of blokes you either see signing on and then going straight into the pub, or coming from the pub to go and sign on, and then usually going straight back to the pub !

Nice one ! In response to your dole situation. What about a poker game down the job centre ? :) On second thoughts they may not like that.
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Re: About Bloody time...My first win ! Well, there goes win number two in a 6 seater on VC Poker....:clap Played five 6 seaters on VC Today.... Won 1.... 2nd in 2... In the others, I held 5 8 of Clubs in the BB in one game, I flop a flush, only to be rivered by a full house, and in the other game I flop a straight to the 6, and again get rivered by a straight to the 7.... Still, I have to be pleased overall, cos even in the two games that I lost, I got my money in with the best of it, certainly with the flopped flush, and lost a coin toss on the game where I flopped the 6 high straight...

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