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PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight


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Guest gazza271

Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight still in at 1st break, went down to 300 chips early on when my 1010 met JJ but have recovered and now sitting in 31st with just over 5k :hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight -----HAND 4------ Game #2284562663: Hold'em NL (150/300) - 2006/08/21 - 20:39:21 (GMT) Table "PP Grand Prix 3262816 - 6" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: LPL_Lad (1850 in chips) Seat 2: bax111 (3620 in chips) Seat 3: GazzaGJF (2050 in chips) Seat 4: pistnbust (2640 in chips) Seat 5: morlspin (3915 in chips) Seat 6: philuk12 (4591 in chips) Seat 7: WilyWoods (1600 in chips) Seat 8: Tashy_Man (3090 in chips) Seat 9: nowareman (1250 in chips) Seat 10: Lone wolf (4055 in chips) bax111: posts small blind 150 GazzaGJF: posts big blind 300 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to morlspin [6d Ks] pistnbust: folds morlspin: folds philuk12: calls 300 WilyWoods: folds Tashy_Man: calls 300 nowareman: folds Lone wolf: folds LPL_Lad: calls 300 bax111: calls 150 GazzaGJF: checks ----- FLOP ----- [6h 8h 5s] bax111: checks GazzaGJF: checks philuk12: bets 600 Tashy_Man: calls 600 LPL_Lad: raises to 1550 and is all-in bax111: folds GazzaGJF: folds philuk12: raises to 4291 and is all-in Tashy_Man: is all-in 2190 Returned uncalled bets 1,501 to philuk12 ----- TURN ----- [6h 8h 5s][7c] ----- RIVER ----- [6h 8h 5s 7c][Ah] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- philuk12: shows [5c 5h] (Three of a kind, Fives, Ace high) Tashy_Man: shows [2h Kh] (A Flush, Ace high) LPL_Lad: shows [6s 6c] (Three of a kind, Sixes, Ace high) Tashy_Man collects 2480 from Side pot #1 Tashy_Man collects 6150 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 8630 Main pot 6150 Side pot #1 2480 | Rake 0 Board [6h 8h 5s 7c Ah] Seat 1: LPL_Lad (button) showed [6s 6c] and lost Seat 2: bax111 (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 3: GazzaGJF (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 4: pistnbust folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: morlspin folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: philuk12 showed [5c 5h] and lost Seat 7: WilyWoods folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Tashy_Man showed [2h Kh] and won (8630) with A Flush, Ace high Seat 9: nowareman folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: Lone wolf folded before Flop (didn't bet) WHAT A HAND!!!!!

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight

Calm down - its the mighty Morecambe who play in red
aaahhh yes seem to remember singing 'bring me sunshine' with you in brum :beer I'm out btw some muppet called my all in with J4 and hit them both!
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Guest gazza271

Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight out in 92nd, not hand a hand since break and chips dwindling down, push all in with 44 and called by JJ:sad did try and wish Elmcroft and bignedkelly luck but chat would'nt let me after I was out :hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight I had AA first hand, on the button, which held up despite possible straight after the river, but meaning I didn't throw in as many chips as I could have. Still set me up nicely for a while. Game of two halves tho, eventually out with a wimper with 52, which unsurprisingly didn't hold up to K10. :lol 104th, Lasted a lot longer than I normally do in this. Good luck all left in. :hope Incidently, noticed the prize money is different in the lobby to what's quoted in the mag.

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight

Went out 8th when i pushed on small blind with 33 he turns 10 10 and its over $25 and 16 points better off! Washman in final 7 still nearly chip leader
well done morls and good luck wishy :hope
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