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PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight


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Hello ladies and gents, Just a reminder to you that the PokerPlayer Grand Prix on tonight for those of you that read the mag. 500 seater tonight with only a couple more heats to go before the live final and the seat at the Asian Poker Tour. Dacey (PokerPlayer news editor)

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight

Well I know they're complimentary in my local casino' date=' but I have a subscription. I know somewhere there is a really good offer that works out at about 60p an issue or even less.[/quote'] Was well impressed when I went to ours last week & got the latest issues of 4 poker mags.. small things. :D
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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight My local Tesco (Brislington, Bristol) has recently started stocking the likes of "Total Mobile", "Poker Player", "WPT Magazine" and "Speedway Star", so I presume that Tesco's as a whole are making more of a push into the magazine market... Most of the titles have been framed by a red box / holder, which proclaims "Latest Issue"....

were can u buy all these mags from i never see them were i shop?
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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight That was horrendous - didn't raise enough with trips and K kicker on turn very first hand I played, opponent caught a full house on the river and crippled me. Then stupid play on 2 more hands and out already :cry

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight Jaded - I still probaly went out before you - I played like a 'feckin' muppet, against a luckier muppet. raised 3* UTG with AJo (not the greatest opening hand to play UTG in first couple rounds) - got 1 caller Flop J and 2 lower rags - bet 300 into a pot of 150 - he called, Turn was an Ace - now holding top 2 pair. Checked - he checked River was a 'rag' 4 - no flush/no Full House possibilites I check waiting for him to bet, he bets 720 - I go all in -so does he ... and he turns trip 4's !!

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Re: PokerPlayer Grand Prix Tonight Out in 251st.... Down to 377 chips, with blinds at 100 / 200... Get dealt pocket jacks....All in a no brainer... Sitting to my right is "Shafty78" of Poker Player Mag... Shafty goes all in for just under 1400..... I follow Everyone else folds... My delight when I see he is holding A 9 off-suit turns to dismay when he hits two pair on the flop ! FIX ! (I can see Dicey pissing himself with laughter ! :lol:loon:lol)

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