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AK part 2


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For part 1, I went all-in and he folded. This is the very next hand. Hand #397645539 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 11:48:15 2006 D_Ray is at seat 1 with 1140.00 kato74 is at seat 2 with 2620.00 MrMillion is at seat 4 with 1985.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1305.00 D_Ray posts the large blind 300.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 150.00 JadedJ: Kh, As D_Ray: --, -- kato74: --, -- MrMillion: --, -- Pre-flop: kato74: Raise 1200.00 MrMillion: All in Me next - do I go all-in, or fold?

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Re: AK part 2 easy fold - kato is calling unless he is a complete muppet, so someone is either out or crippled (you hope it is out as it is one less to play against) save you chips for shoving the next hand (regardless of what you have assuming its folded to you) Damo

For part 1, I went all-in and he folded. This is the very next hand. Hand #397645539 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 11:48:15 2006 D_Ray is at seat 1 with 1140.00 kato74 is at seat 2 with 2620.00 MrMillion is at seat 4 with 1985.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1305.00 D_Ray posts the large blind 300.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 150.00 JadedJ: Kh, As D_Ray: --, -- kato74: --, -- MrMillion: --, -- Pre-flop: kato74: Raise 1200.00 MrMillion: All in Me next - do I go all-in, or fold?
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Re: AK part 2 for me its not that they have a 'decent hand', I doubt they have, you are prolly no worse than a 3:1 dog and are getting the correct odds to call - however, what it is though is that kato is calling for the other 800 to win over 3500 (if you fold) and nearly 5K if JJ calls So you are up aginst 2 players not one - if Kato folds he is a complete Kermit and deserves to have his poker account frozen - even if he has something shite like 83 - its a simple pot odds calculation call for another 800 AK is best HU not against 2 or more players - chuck em and shove the next hand Damo

Fold for me' date=' I would be assuming that one of them has a decent hand and wouldnt want to get involved :ok[/quote']
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Re: AK part 2 dray called?? is he mad? raise/shove/shove and he called? i would fold QQ in this situation without thinking - KK i would think about it - AA, well i might call, dunno not sure (yes this is one situation when folding AA maybe the correct play) i cant believe he thinks he is ahead at this point Damo

Good advice guys. :ok Called based on pot odds without really considering the numerous reasons to fold. Ended up with all of us in, my AKo vs AKs(million), JJ (D-Ray), 99 (Kato) JJ held up :(
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