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Pocket Nines - What To Do?


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Latter stages of a 5 player $5, I've been fairly tight for most of the tourney, although getting looser now - lost a fair bit of my stack to blinds without playing anything for ages, but hand before this I doubled up with A7 on a dream flop of A72 vs kato, who had 75. Kato is loose, Qstorm's been pretty tight all tourney and hasn't really loosened up at all yet. Hand #397438347 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sat Aug 19 23:42:29 2006 kato74 is at seat 1 with 4155.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1910.00 qstorm is at seat 5 with 1285.00 qstorm posts the large blind 100.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 50.00 JadedJ: 9c, 9h qstorm: --, -- kato74: --, -- Pre-flop: kato74: Raise 300.00 Call, raise, or ditch?

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? I'm ultra ultra (toooooooooo) tight in this situation ........ ditch'em You still have time (20xBB). You're unlikely to improve (and there will probably be overcards on the flop) so a flat call is out of the question ....... The reraise is too much of a gamble (for me) - depends on the range of hands you could put him on, but highly unlikely you are better than a coin flip.......

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? with 99 , i'll call and see whats on the board . May be having overcards or just plain bullying IMO . I don't like a re-raise , re-raise could actually force him to go all-in making you having a tough decision to call the all-in if he really has a hand .

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? I can understand a reraise, but a call? What do you do if there is an overcard? What do you do if there isn't an overcard and your oppoenent bets it strong? You almost certainly will still only have 99 after the flop!!! I didn't appreciate it was 3 handed - so you are right, not a fold, but cant be called - ESPECIALLY out of position!!!

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? which is why i'm still learning good poker :loon:loon .My gut feel is a call , i don't really like re-raises unless i hold a QQ , KK , AA or AK

I can understand a reraise, but a call? What do you do if there is an overcard? What do you do if there isn't an overcard and your oppoenent bets it strong? You almost certainly will still only have 99 after the flop!!! I didn't appreciate it was 3 handed - so you are right, not a fold, but cant be called - ESPECIALLY out of position!!!
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do?

which is why i'm still learning good poker :loon:loon .My gut feel is a call ' date=' i don't really like re-raises unless i hold a QQ , KK , AA or AK[/quote'] Will give it a bit of time for other comments before saying what I did, but I'd have to strongly disagree here Newbie - IMO, you need a STRONGER hand to call than to raise. If you're raising, there's the chance that your opponent will fold. If you're calling, your hand needs to hold up. So unless you're playing suited connectors, or limping in cheaply with small pairs hoping to hit trips, I'd raise far more often with things like TT/JJ/AQ/AJ than I'd call, whereas heads up or 3-handed I'd be a lot more tempted to call with premium hands like those above and let my opponents get themselves into trouble.
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? looks like a big stack bully play to me so thats positive to shove if you shove he has you covered and you are out on the bubble if you lose (negative) however WINNING these 5 seaters is critical, limping into the cash and finishing 2nd is no good at all, so its an easy shove for me (positive) I wouldn't reraise to 1200 and then shove the flop regardless as he has a decent pot odds to call for another 900 PF and 700+ on the flop - just get your chips in the middle PF I would NEVER call here, that is really crap - folding is OK if you don't mind shoving later with worse cards Damo

Latter stages of a 5 player $5, I've been fairly tight for most of the tourney, although getting looser now - lost a fair bit of my stack to blinds without playing anything for ages, but hand before this I doubled up with A7 on a dream flop of A72 vs kato, who had 75. Kato is loose, Qstorm's been pretty tight all tourney and hasn't really loosened up at all yet. Hand #397438347 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sat Aug 19 23:42:29 2006 kato74 is at seat 1 with 4155.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1910.00 qstorm is at seat 5 with 1285.00 qstorm posts the large blind 100.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 50.00 JadedJ: 9c, 9h qstorm: --, -- kato74: --, -- Pre-flop: kato74: Raise 300.00 Call, raise, or ditch?
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? there are no coin flips (unless he too has 99) - if you are ahead, its at least 55/45 (and could be MUCH more than that) in which case you don't have to improve, the villian does if he has AK and you know this, and you played this a billion trillion times you come out ahead, so it is the correct decision BTW this is a 5 seater not a 10, you need first not second on short tables to have any chance of showing a long term profit, in a 10 seater on the bubble I might be tempted to fold this and pick a better spot, but never on a short table Damo

I'm ultra ultra (toooooooooo) tight in this situation ........ ditch'em You still have time (20xBB). You're unlikely to improve (and there will probably be overcards on the flop) so a flat call is out of the question ....... The reraise is too much of a gamble (for me) - depends on the range of hands you could put him on, but highly unlikely you are better than a coin flip.......
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? thats why you shove - a reraise is rubbish as he has pot odds to call and a stack to do so - however a shove is another 1600 rather than 600 and makes a massive difference to his stack calling is rubbish - the flop is Q 5 4 rainbow - are you ahead? do you have any idea? or the flop is 742 same suit and you don't have that suit - are you ahead? never ever call in this situation with the blinds failrly high to you chip stack and you playing OOP Damo

with 99 ' date=' i'll call and see whats on the board . May be having overcards or just plain bullying IMO . I don't like a re-raise , re-raise could actually force him to go all-in making you having a tough decision to call the all-in if he really has a hand .[/quote']
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? Thanks for Correcting my stupidity . :nana:nana:nana:nana I guess my area of thought is still not good enough to deal with this situation . Much appreciated advice here from you guys . :ok Guess i need more practise in the STTs .

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? I was in a similar position in an MTT this week, there were 11 left with 10 to be paid, I was in 8th position, had pair of 9's on big blind, it was folded to the small blind (big stack) who raised. I thought he was blind stealing so went all in, he called with pocket 6's and a 6 came on the flop. Think I made the correct play and would do it again.

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? I doubt you are stupid in this case it is worth shoving, but if we change the scenario a bit I would give a different answer for instance give the BB only 500 chips and its an instant fold - he is so close to being out that you could afford to fold or give yourself 3K in chips then you could just call and see a cheap flop rather than reraising/shoving or if its 15/30 blinds then just call for 90 (assuming a 3XBB raise and same stacks - you don't need to risk the shove for only 90 chips etc) see how things make a difference? - its not the case of auto shove with 99, but in this case if you are playing then you want to be the aggressor IMHO Damo

Thanks for Correcting my stupidity . :nana:nana:nana:nana I guess my area of thought is still not good enough to deal with this situation . Much appreciated advice here from you guys . :ok Guess i need more practise in the STTs .
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? i think you mentioned one point brilliantly . Level of the blinds . If its still low , worth a call . If its quite high in this instant , i should shove it in . :clap:clap

I doubt you are stupid in this case it is worth shoving, but if we change the scenario a bit I would give a different answer for instance give the BB only 500 chips and its an instant fold - he is so close to being out that you could afford to fold or give yourself 3K in chips then you could just call and see a cheap flop rather than reraising/shoving or if its 15/30 blinds then just call for 90 (assuming a 3XBB raise and same stacks - you don't need to risk the shove for only 90 chips etc) see how things make a difference? - its not the case of auto shove with 99, but in this case if you are playing then you want to be the aggressor IMHO Damo
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? the other thing for me is JJ's read - that Kato is loose - which makes the shove easier IMO as he is prolly stealing Damo

i think you mentioned one point brilliantly . Level of the blinds . If its still low ' date=' worth a call . If its quite high in this instant , i should shove it in . :clap:clap[/quote']
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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? Looking back, I think I shoulda shoved. I actually reraised to 700. Next decision: Hand #397438347 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sat Aug 19 23:42:29 2006 kato74 is at seat 1 with 4155.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1910.00 qstorm is at seat 5 with 1285.00 qstorm posts the large blind 100.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 50.00 JadedJ: 9c, 9h qstorm: --, -- kato74: --, -- Pre-flop: kato74: Raise 300.00 JadedJ: Raise 700.00 qstorm: All in kato74: Call 1385.00 I have 1260 left in my stack, will have 575 left if I call so pretty much fold or shove as far as I can see.

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Re: Pocket Nines - What To Do? FOLD you asked the question and have been answered forget the pot odds, you are racing (at best) against both of them save your chips for shoving next hand if Qstorm wins and hope that kato wins and you are ITM Damo

Looking back, I think I shoulda shoved. I actually reraised to 700. Next decision: Hand #397438347 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sat Aug 19 23:42:29 2006 kato74 is at seat 1 with 4155.00 JadedJ is at seat 4 with 1910.00 qstorm is at seat 5 with 1285.00 qstorm posts the large blind 100.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 50.00 JadedJ: 9c, 9h qstorm: --, -- kato74: --, -- Pre-flop: kato74: Raise 300.00 JadedJ: Raise 700.00 qstorm: All in kato74: Call 1385.00 I have 1260 left in my stack, will have 575 left if I call so pretty much fold or shove as far as I can see.
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