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What Did I Dodge?


What Did I Dodge?  

  1. 1.

    • AK. Silly to bet with only 2nd pair.
    • AA... Lucky you
    • KK... (trip Kings) Even luckier
    • QQ.. (trip Queens)
    • 88 (trip 8's)
    • Other
    • Nothing! He bluffed you off it...

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Table '29530935 11' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: hustleryep (7535 in chips) Seat 2: MaisyMouse (4105 in chips) Seat 3: Valiant23 (5830 in chips) Seat 4: daterape (4675 in chips) Seat 5: T11RNX (6825 in chips) Seat 6: goonner (4970 in chips) Seat 7: icVHsvAp1j (3940 in chips) Seat 8: OnLnGotti (9810 in chips) Seat 9: Purr Of Aces (5670 in chips) icVHsvAp1j: posts small blind 75 OnLnGotti: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Valiant23 [Qc As] Purr Of Aces: folds hustleryep: raises 300 to 450 MaisyMouse: folds Valiant23: calls 450 daterape: folds T11RNX: folds goonner: folds icVHsvAp1j: folds OnLnGotti: folds *** FLOP *** [Kc 8d Qh] hustleryep: checks Valiant23: bets 300 hustleryep: raises 900 to 1200 Valiant23: calls 900 *** TURN *** [Kc 8d Qh] [Th] hustleryep: bets 5885 and is all-in Valiant23: folds hustleryep collected 3525 from pot hustleryep: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3525 | Rake 0 Board [Kc 8d Qh Th] Seat 1: hustleryep collected (3525) Seat 3: Valiant23 folded on the Turn
Feel free to comment on whether I did right or wrong.
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Re: What Did I Dodge? Again, the age old question of how you read the opponent. If you see him as a tight player, then his initial raise puts him on a hand already (AA,KK,QQ,AK or such like)...if this is the case then you are well and truly stuffed on the flop alone. If you see him as a regular blind pincher, then your middle pair must look pretty solid. I was quite surprised to see you call his 900 raise...unless you had him down as the blind pincher of course. But then a further 900 raise at that exact point would have let you know before the turn surely. Of course you also need to work out for yourself what his impression of you is as well...damn!...where's the painkillers??? This is the fascination of online poker, a single hand can be looked at in so many different ways, it is no wonder we are all hooked.

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Re: What Did I Dodge? well , i think he has middle pocket pairs . He went all in as he wants to take down the pot . If it goes right down to the river , you may have called him as you are pot committed by then . Somehow or rather , as a new player into the table , i felt he might take his chances on testing your guts . I'll rather u re-raise him on the flop and if he raises again , fold . If he flat calls , he could be holding a weak hand as he seems overly aggressive , dun think he had the intelligence to flat call a set . If he can do that , very well played by him then

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