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Are you registered for the PL HU tourney yet?


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Re: Are you registered for the PL HU tourney yet? Hmmm, have got BF working on mine this aft, when Runadrum's PC is off. Not perfect, but probably good enough, as long as it lasts. More start than stop anyway, whereas normally is stoppppppppppppppppppstartstoppppppppppppppppp. :wall Maybe the problem is running two on the same connection at the same time. I know Run plays on 770 quite abit too. Will test theory more tonight and will also try something suggested by TQM (thanks m8). Alternative of course is I play on Run's PC, but getting him off it for long enough is the problem. ;) I suppose a daytime game might be an option depending on who I drew. So I'm still a maybe at the mo. :unsure

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Re: Are you registered for the PL HU tourney yet?

I think it may just take a while to update the number of players registered in the lobby. I can see one table with one person registered: is that you? Sorry, can't play right now!
yes it just updated, that is me, who do i play?
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Re: Are you registered for the PL HU tourney yet?

yes it just updated' date=' that is me, who do i play?[/quote'] Well, the tournament hasn't started yet! They're only doing the draw tomorrow. But you may well get somebody coming along for a practice game if they know you're there.
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Re: Are you registered for the PL HU tourney yet?

he`s given up mate' date=',,you`ve upset him:loon[/quote'] just played Les and he was disconnected for the entire game lmao.....tell him he won 2 hands tho...well don les! and it takes a huge 26 mins to play against a discon.........:loon
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