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What should I have done different


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Was around 12th of 15 in tonights Poker cruise for the two hands below - not desperate, but needing to increase my stack ......... did I go with the wrong hand? What could/should I have done different? Both hands I made a relatively small bet, then faced a reraise - first one had a lot of draws, but put it down, second one had my 99 v 2 overcards so I got my coin flip .... should I have bet bigger? Should I have laid both hands down? Should I have gambled with my draw? Top 6 get equal prizes to next round. Interested to read your thoughts

Hand #394511765 at table: Poker Cruise Daily Started: Tue Aug 15 20:55:55 2006 Telepe is at seat 1 with 3255.00 zefir is at seat 2 with 8325.00 MachinGun is at seat 3 with 1434.00 gibbsy1 is at seat 4 with 10215.00 palenca is at seat 5 with 6000.00 frost_inq is at seat 7 with 2260.00 slapdash1 is at seat 9 with 16671.00 porkpie is at seat 10 with 4600.00 Telepe posts the large blind 300.00 porkpie posts the small blind 150.00 porkpie: --, -- Telepe: 5h, 7d zefir: --, -- MachinGun: --, -- gibbsy1: --, -- palenca: --, -- frost_inq: --, -- slapdash1: --, -- Pre-flop: zefir: Fold MachinGun: Fold gibbsy1: Call 300.00 palenca: Fold frost_inq: Fold slapdash1: Fold porkpie: Fold Telepe: Check Flop (Board: 3d, Qh, 4d): Telepe: Check gibbsy1: Check Turn (Board: 3d, Qh, 4d, 2d): Telepe: Bet 300.00 gibbsy1: Raise 1500.00 Telepe: Fold
Hand #394515663 at table: Poker Cruise Daily Started: Tue Aug 15 21:00:32 2006 Telepe is at seat 1 with 2805.00 zefir is at seat 2 with 7575.00 MachinGun is at seat 3 with 984.00 gibbsy1 is at seat 4 with 10365.00 palenca is at seat 5 with 8550.00 frost_inq is at seat 7 with 1510.00 slapdash1 is at seat 9 with 16221.00 porkpie is at seat 10 with 4750.00 porkpie posts the large blind 300.00 slapdash1 posts the small blind 150.00 slapdash1: --, -- porkpie: --, -- Telepe: 9h, 9c zefir: --, -- MachinGun: --, -- gibbsy1: --, -- palenca: --, -- frost_inq: --, -- Pre-flop: Telepe: Raise 900.00 zefir: Fold MachinGun: Fold gibbsy1: Fold palenca: Raise 3000.00 frost_inq: Fold slapdash1: Fold porkpie: Fold Telepe: All in Showdown: Telepe shows: 9h, 9c (a pair of Nines) palenca shows: Ad, Kd (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 7d, As, Qd): Turn (Board: 7d, As, Qd, 7h): River (Board: 7d, As, Qd, 7h, 8d): palenca shows: Ad, Kd (ace high flush) Mainpot: palenca wins the pot of 6060 with ace high flush (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
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Re: What should I have done different

Chose a non muppet event as focus game?
:lol :lol To be fair - 15 entrants in the end - wasn't too bad I wouldn't select it again because of the rake, however, had it been $5 + 50c then it wasn't too bad, was it? Even with the rake - PL had about 20% of the entrants and 50% of the qualifiers - so not THAT bad value .......
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Re: What should I have done different Don't think you did anything wrong really 1st hand Maybe a post flop bet would have taken it but given the difference in stack sizes I think it's too risky a play. Post turn to call his re-raise you've got nowhere near pot odds to call and have no made hand, nothing else you could do but lay it down. 2nd Hand You raise 6x BB he re-raises 10x, to me this suggests a high pp or a high drawing hand he doesn't really want to get called. I think you correctly read it as a bet to bully you off the hand (he knows you can't call but have to go all-in thus risking your tourney). You just got unlucky and lost the race:eyes Edit: BTW I think his 10x Re-raise with AK is a bad play. I know AK should be played aggressively pre-flop but re-raising a 6x BB is ott for me.

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Re: What should I have done different

Was around 12th of 15 in tonights Poker cruise for the two hands below - not desperate, but needing to increase my stack ......... did I go with the wrong hand? What could/should I have done different? Both hands I made a relatively small bet, then faced a reraise - first one had a lot of draws, but put it down, second one had my 99 v 2 overcards so I got my coin flip .... should I have bet bigger? Should I have laid both hands down? Should I have gambled with my draw?
Can't fault the first hand... got a free shot at the flop and turn then asked the question, got your answer and got out. I'd have limped with the 9's though, hoping for a cheap shot at the flop. I would have gone all-in pre-flop if pushed but getting in cheap gives you the opportunity to get out and stay in the game if the flop doesn't go your way as it did in your case. Palenca's bet was way too big but he must have fancied his chances of getting the rest of the table to fold and take you out. Do you think he'd have folded KA if you'd gone all-in on your first bet?
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Re: What should I have done different If your asking if you did anything wrong then i'm not going to judge a master such as yourself. :notworthy However, for what its worh,if i'd had same hands, i would have played as below Hand 1. I'd have checked again to see if i'd hit the strait on the river - if he'd bet on the turn. I'd have folded - just saved the 300 bet. But you were either betting into a possible made flush,or strait on the turn Hand 2 -easy in hindsight, difficult in reality - If I was going to get involved, i would probaly have gone all in as my first move - if someone called me i'd go in as favourite most of time -the bigger bet would scare off most, but i doubt i'd have scared off him holding AKs, so the end result would have been same. :\ Although UTG i may have laid down 99 as unless the blinds are large, or I'm really short stacked i'd probably wait to later position to try and pick up the blinds. By betting standard 3*BB, especially UTG, it seems to me you got what you where looking for, a single caller with 2 overcards - was it a bet hoping for a call or a bet hoping to steal the blinds ??

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Re: What should I have done different second one is a bad beat story;) so we will ignore that 1st hand - I would have been tempted to sheck the turn as well and hope to hit the river - you are short stacked'ish on a draw with a big stack that can BULLY YOU - I would have called a 300 bet from him tho to see the river, but when you bet he will raise with any Q, but prolly only min bet if you had checked and he held a Q hoping to get some more cash from you (plus there is the diamond draw as well) don't see the point in gambling 1st hand Damo :cheers ps be more aggressive earlier and dont get short stacked?

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Re: What should I have done different If I had AK I am shoving every day of the week - reraising is not bad, everyone needs the chips etc CALLING is crap with AK, folding is ok with AK Damo

Edit: BTW I think his 10x Re-raise with AK is a bad play. I know AK should be played aggressively pre-flop but re-raising a 6x BB is ott for me.
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Re: What should I have done different limping for a cheap shot? 300 chips out of 2.8K is not cheap - its over 10% of your stack - I would have been tempted to just shove with my 99 rather than make a value raise - you have about 9BB left you cannot call miss the flop and then fold when a Q appears to a min bet - you have no idea where you are (ahead BTW) its a clear shove for me - I would raise similar with JJ+ - limping is bad with the blinds this big and you not knowing where you are and yes you are correct thats why you shove AK in this situation - there is a mountain of chips in the middle, you don't want to let anyone else in which is why the AK should have shoved as well its pretty standard 'near the bubble' play with blinds that are massive compared to chip stacks Damo

Can't fault the first hand... got a free shot at the flop and turn then asked the question, got your answer and got out. I'd have limped with the 9's though, hoping for a cheap shot at the flop. I would have gone all-in pre-flop if pushed but getting in cheap gives you the opportunity to get out and stay in the game if the flop doesn't go your way as it did in your case. Palenca's bet was way too big but he must have fancied his chances of getting the rest of the table to fold and take you out. Do you think he'd have folded KA if you'd gone all-in on your first bet?
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Re: What should I have done different spot on you are a fav to everything apart from 10 10+ re UTG - thats why you need to shove now - you fold and the blinds go through you - thats another 450 you lose, so you now have 8 big blinds and unless you are prepared to play any 2 from the button/co you are going through another orbit, and then you are down another 450, so you have only 6BB left etc etc etc get you chips in whilst.... 1) you are ahead 2) you can do some damage to everyone else if they call 3) you can win enough that you don't have to worry for an orbit (or maybe two) dead easy really :) Damo

If I was going to get involved, i would probaly have gone all in as my first move - if someone called me i'd go in as favourite most of time -the bigger bet would scare off most, but i doubt i'd have scared off him holding AKs, so the end result would have been same. :\ Although UTG i may have laid down 99 as unless the blinds are large, or I'm really short stacked i'd probably wait to later position to try and pick up the blinds. By betting standard 3*BB, especially UTG, it seems to me you got what you where looking for, a single caller with 2 overcards - was it a bet hoping for a call or a bet hoping to steal the blinds ??
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