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Mansion Superbowl Freeroll


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have been trying to get the pass word for the pocketfives superbowl freeroll and nobody could or WOULD tell me the password. decided to watch it and i saw quite a few pl members playing, but could not find any posts on this tourney on pl. i thought that we shared such information, or is it just for the elite to know

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll Hiya carlea, I was present on a table in the PokerGod freeroll when someone came to the table asking for the password. The original player wouldn't tell, but another did. I tried the password and it worked, but as a rule we don't share passwords on the open forum, as its a magnet for people who join purely to be told this password or that password. However the password for this tournament was freely available to anyone who looks. :ok As for any other PLers who are playing, I can't speak for them, and in all honesty I wouldn't expect them to explain how they got in.

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

As for any other PLers who are playing, I can't speak for them, and in all honesty I wouldn't expect them to explain how they got in.
Telepe, Pocketlady, morlspin, jeffers , kevshat Any one want to comment?? You cant ALL of forgot/didn't have time/thought it wasn't right to pass on the PassWord (REMEMBER THE PM one of you!!) C.R.
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

nice to see you got the password. would have been nicer if it was shared. still looking for it and still cant find it but apparently its easy to find. i must go to specsavers
kevshat gave it to me, I didn't know this thread existed. Heads up now.
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

Telepe, Pocketlady, morlspin, jeffers , kevshat Any one want to comment?? You cant ALL of forgot/didn't have time/thought it wasn't right to pass on the PassWord (REMEMBER THE PM one of you!!) C.R.
Aint seen ya online for days, and since brum, you aint replied to any of my pms when you have been on msn, i got in by going to the pocketfives forum as it said on the tourney info, signed up and got the password 1 min before tourney started
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

nice to see you got the password. would have been nicer if it was shared. still looking for it and still cant find it but apparently its easy to find. i must go to specsavers
That's just tough IMO what kind of reputation would this forum get if we started sharing info like that and the guys who made it in to the tourney well done for using their noggin. (I play in the NPPL games by the way :D) Ignorance is bliss :dude Jeffers unlucky mate :sad
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll Unlucky - jeffers, but could you have claimed the prize anyway ?? - i'm sure it said you had to have some kinda voucher to get the Superbowl tickets.... indicated to me that it was only open for Americans ?? Or was i reading the wrong tourney, it was late:unsure

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll Unlucky Jeffers.... Damn well played mate, really gutted for you. I'm in favour of sharing passwords to proper PL members via PM, but not just giving them out to anyone via the open forum - that way people will just log on to PL get passwords and then never post again. Carlea - stick around and you'll find out when all the best password protected tournaments are and people will happily PM you the password, or you can PM them and ask for it. But most PLers will never be keen on giving it out in the middle of a tournament as everyone else sat around at table see's it also which means the tournament organisers may as well not have bothered with a password in the first place. But in future, just PM someone and if they know the password, I'm sure they'll tell you.

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

Unlucky - jeffers, but could you have claimed the prize anyway ?? - i'm sure it said you had to have some kinda voucher to get the Superbowl tickets.... indicated to me that it was only open for Americans ?? Or was i reading the wrong tourney, it was late:unsure
Yeah that was part of the problem. Originally they ivited people by giving them promo vouchers in Vegas, but this didn't work so they opened it up, according to the website anyway. $400 in travel expenses would have got him halfway there, but I'm sure he'd have paid the difference. ;)
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll Be very careful about giving out passwords to tournaments. Someone I know had this email from Poker4ever: We are contacting you in regards to your registration for the xxxxxxxxxx tournament. This tournament is a private tournament, organized and held by one of our special partners. For any reason you got the password for this tournament, although you are not a member of xxxxxxxxxx. Therefore, this partner asked us to unregister you from this tournament in order to prevent this sort of misuse. So we did. 1) It is strictly prohibited to publish private tournament passwords at POKER4EVER. We reserve the right to cancel registrations based upon this misuse and we can ban and inactivate player accounts who take advantage of it. 2) You are obligated to give us the information who published this password. 3) We will abstain from consequences if you help us in this case. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, Your POKER4EVER Support Team

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

Unlucky Jeffers.... Damn well played mate, really gutted for you. I'm in favour of sharing passwords to proper PL members via PM, but not just giving them out to anyone via the open forum - that way people will just log on to PL get passwords and then never post again. Carlea - stick around and you'll find out when all the best password protected tournaments are and people will happily PM you the password, or you can PM them and ask for it. But most PLers will never be keen on giving it out in the middle of a tournament as everyone else sat around at table see's it also which means the tournament organisers may as well not have bothered with a password in the first place. But in future, just PM someone and if they know the password, I'm sure they'll tell you.
totally disagree passwords are there for a reason
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

totally disagree passwords are there for a reason
That's why I said "stick around"....:eyes I never give passwords out to people who just email me or PM and have made one post or something, as I know they've only come on to PL to get a password and will never be seen again - until they want another password. But I have no problem with a regular poster PM-ing me and asking for a password, in that instant I will let them know it. I;ve done it in the past when I've forgotten or been at work and the magazine (where the password is) is at home. To be honest, in this case, I wouldn't have given the password out, but that is why I said "stick around" as if you post regularly, people will be more inclined o share PW's with people. :)
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll Chelski, To say I'm angry with your little outburst is an understatement. :@ Don't you ever dare accuse any of the poker guys of withholding passwords, but passwords are exactly this: (In the words of Airplane movie) A secret string of letters or numbers. As for you Carlea, not a great introduction to the forum accusing people of being elitist or whatever, I suggest you take a deep breath before saying things like that again. I'm very angry that people are being accused of things, when these people are pretty much the same people who have made this poker forum what it is today. Chelski/Carlea - you need to think before you speak next time.

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

Chelski, To say I'm angry with your little outburst is an understatement. :@ Don't you ever dare accuse any of the poker guys of withholding passwords, but passwords are exactly this: (In the words of Airplane movie) A secret string of letters or numbers. As for you Carlea, not a great introduction to the forum accusing people of being elitist or whatever, I suggest you take a deep breath before saying things like that again. I'm very angry that people are being accused of things, when these people are pretty much the same people who have made this poker forum what it is today. Chelski/Carlea - you need to think before you speak next time.
Which of my 2 posts caused you so much consternation Paul? This one?
Today 03:06
Originally Posted by Valiant23 As for any other PLers who are playing, I can't speak for them, and in all honesty I wouldn't expect them to explain how they got in.
Telepe, Pocketlady, morlspin, jeffers , kevshat Any one want to comment?? You cant ALL of forgot/didn't have time/thought it wasn't right to pass on the PassWord (REMEMBER THE PM one of you!!) C.R.
I dont think I accused anyone of "Withholding" the password, I was asking why, as with most if not all other P/W Tourneys, there was no mention of it on PL, when so many PL'ers were registered. I have always been under the assumption that, as I have done in the past, we shared this type of information?(Re; the PM mentioned above) Or this one?
Today 04:52
chelskiredWP:clap Shame it was a "Private" tourney, maybe woulda had some competition;) C.R.
Slightly sarcastic?....maybe......Tongue firmly in cheek?......Definately. As for thinking before I post, I can assure you I did and the 1st post above was re-written twice before I decided to submit it. And I feel it was a valid request for information, regarding a situation I felt to be VERY unusual. This seems to be a topic we disagree on. C.R.
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll Let's put it this way Dave, you know passwords aren't given out on the forum, so why bring the issue up on the forum? Do it by PM if you must. I'm far from impressed with carlea's attitude that I do know. She's new and kicking off about passwords??!?! Do you know a PL member was banned for 24 hours recently who had over 2000 posts for just that?

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

Let's put it this way Dave' date=' you know passwords aren't given out on the forum, so why bring the issue up [b']on the forum? Do it by PM if you must. I'm far from impressed with carlea's attitude that I do know. She's new and kicking off about passwords??!?! Do you know a PL member was banned for 24 hours recently who had over 2000 posts for just that?
Paul, I am more aware than most regarding PL policy towards P/W sharing ON the forum but as has ben posted in this thread and many others we, as a Forum, help one another as much as possible wit regard that type of thing. My original post was made due to the fact that I noticed PL'ers on a P/W protected tourney that had NOT been mentioned on here and wondered why that was. Perhaps PM would have better but I replied to a post and cannot change that. With regards to carlea, I am of the understanding the she had been trying to find this P/W for many days and when seeing PL'ers in there playing, she probably wondered why there was no mention on the site, (as did I). Perhaps her expectations of the site were knocked slightly when this happened? so I for one, can see her point of view, however badly it came across to some. I hope this can be put to bed now all parties have made their points. C.R.
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll (carlea takes a deep breath before she speaks) firstly i apologise to anyone i offended by asking about the password. Thank you to those of you who replied in a decent manner. I did not call any of you elitists, i just asked a question, and as you can see yes i am new so again thank you for your patient replies (you know who you all are) I AM NOT KICKING OFF ABOUT PASSWORDS And as for attitudes take a look in the mirror paul ross once again i apologise to the rest of you.

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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

i thought that we shared such information' date=' or is it just for the elite to know[/quote'] That's insinuating elitism carlea...I wouldn't have even played in the tourny had kevshat not mentioned it to me on MSN, and had I seen this thread before the tournament, I would have sent the password to anyone wanting it. :ok You'd not have won anyway :rollin
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Re: Mansion Superbowl Freeroll

i thought that we shared such information' date=' or is it just for the elite to know[/quote'] I'm sorry but I am so angry that I can't just ignore the way this person has just turned up and demanded passwords and then got snotty for not getting them! I'm not sure that this forum needs people with attitudes like that. Only a few posts and you're speaking like that to people - unbelievable. If you came to PL just to obtain passwords (then call people ellitists when they won't hand them over without knowing you) then you've really come to the wrong place. I personally think you're the one with the attitude problem. I'm sorry to get involved with this post, but it just made me so cross.
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