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Online Forum Challenge part deux


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Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux

Scraped into 3rd place for $610! :loon :loon :loon Played pretty sensible for a change - thanks for the support, Red_Fear, Morls, Slapdash and Runadrum! :clap Nice way to end to the weekend - even if Red_Fear and his lovely wife did try to get me drunk in the afternoon! :beer TQM
Nice one mate. :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux I realise that the forum I played for had no chance of winning, they only had 10 players who made the tournament. The reason I played for them is because a friend of mine who is a mod on that site visited me in Guernsey and invited me to join and play in a freeroll there, I won $100 on it and felt I owed them something so registered for them in the freeroll and for PL in the buyin. I should have done it the other way around. I did not expect to do as well as I did!!!

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Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux You don't have to apologize, Hedonist! I'm pretty sure everybody's taking the mickey: we don't really regard you as a TRAITOR!!!!!!! If I'd been in a similar situation, I'd also have chosen the buy-in for PL and the freeroll to pay off my obligations to the other forum. I think you made the right choice, but it didn't pay off for us. C'est la vie!

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Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux

You don't have to apologize' date=' Hedonist! [/quote'] Sorry if my post was one which came across that way - I didn't mean it to. I was trying to point out that we should not be despondent, because taking into account the performance of all our forum members we did really well. I'm sure lots of us are members of more than one forum, and Hedonist wasn't the only one who was representing a different one. If anyone is to blame it's those of us who didn't get round to registering :$ (if only I'd have realised it was a Prima site and not some American site that would want $50 off me like PokerStars), or who cocked it up, or who hadn't read the rules and didn't pre-reg, or who came home late and hadn't reg'd before they went out. :rollin Well done all who played. :clap :ok
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Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux

Scraped into 3rd place for $610! :loon :loon :loon Nice way to end to the weekend - even if Red_Fear and his lovely wife did try to get me drunk in the afternoon! :beer TQM
Excellent performance Spiersey, I knew my tips would help improve your game.;) My tips being - DRINK MORE BEER!:cheers Red.
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Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux

I realise that the forum I played for had no chance of winning, they only had 10 players who made the tournament. The reason I played for them is because a friend of mine who is a mod on that site visited me in Guernsey and invited me to join and play in a freeroll there, I won $100 on it and felt I owed them something so registered for them in the freeroll and for PL in the buyin. I should have done it the other way around. I did not expect to do as well as I did!!!
no need to apologise m8! all thats been said was 100% in jest, hope you werent offended m8 well done in the freeroll too:clap
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